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(v. tr.) To publicly shame a wrongdoer via website, blog, email, or other publication in order to achieve restitution.

Sasha heard that Luis was the one who stole her cellphone out of her car, so she confronted him, but he denied it. When she saw him using the phone later, she decided to sidekick him to get it back. Only after everyone started calling him a thief did he return the phone to Sasha.

by KarlGustav June 26, 2006

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sidekick bear

A grizzly bear that used to overthrow governments for the CIA, but blew his own nose out doing too much cocaine. Was mudered by the clintons having witnessed bill and hilary up to no good with children.

Sidekick bear just got back from a secret mission in Bolivia

by Bearhoven June 11, 2019

Sidekick Surprise

When you're having sex with your girlfriend from behind and you spit on her back so she thinks that you've already ejaculated so she turns around. Little did she know that you have secretly hidden your best friend in your closet as he's been watching and masturbating the whole time. You run towards the closet and open it and your best friend flips you for a standing 69. You both then bust in each other's faces as your girlfriend watches in confusion. You then proceed to walk away holding hands with your best friend, leaving your girlfriend behind as if nothing happened.

Yo! I Sidekick Surprised my girlfriend last night with Tron. It was epic.

by Tabaluchi March 17, 2010

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Sidekick Whore

One who is addicted to their sidekick. Usually a girl. Must always have their sidekick within an arm's length.

Jennifer (flips her sidekick out): Hey, I got 8 new text messages!

Thomas: You are such a Sidekick Whore!

by Arsenio L. February 1, 2008

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sidekick addict

A person you in ALWAYS on their Sidekick
Either on AIM or MySpace or texting
You never see this person without the phone
on them, or even in their handss

Person 1 :"there goes my girlfriend, always on her sidekick, shit never leaves her hand."
Person 2:"shes a fucken Sidekick Addict dudee"

by Bryan Ferreira June 17, 2008

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sidekick 3

A phone made by t-mobile, that has internet explorer, AIM, YAHOO, MSN, Instant Messengers, An MP3 Player that holds up too 500 songs, 1.3 Megapixel Camera, E-mail, Text Messaging, Games, Downloads, an Address Book that stores 2,000 contacts, an Organizer, & not to mention a speaker phone!

Wow have you seen Katie's new sidekick 3? It has all the cool stuff on it!

by katesterr August 4, 2006

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Satan's Sidekick

Also referred to as a "monster-bomb" or "Vodka Monster", is an alcoholic beverage with ingredients of both Monster Energy Drink and any non-flavored vodka of choice. The combination of the vodka and energy drink often wakes a person up and also give's a buzz. Commonly contains one can of Monster and two or more shots of vodka.

"He's been drunk all day and hasn't passed out."

"He must have been drinking Satan's Sidekick all day."

by monster vodka November 27, 2012