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Singapore is a beautiful metropolitan countryin Southeast Asia. Contrary to popular belief, Singapore is not in China, nor is it near China.

The people of Singapore are called Singaporeans. The country is very modern and clean, with good governing and strict laws.

Singaporeans tend to be rather unfriendly, but there are some extremely helpful ones.

The language most spoken in Singapore is English. A certain trend among Singaporeans is speaking 'Singlish', which is English mixed with dialects.

However, there are three other main languages: Chinese, Malay and Tamil.

It is a multiracial country.

Although the weather is extremely hot, visiting Singapore will be worth it.

If I were to rate Singapore on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing, I'd say 8.

by Prettylenna October 22, 2011

23👍 14👎


A highly stressful place where local students are more afraid of failing their math exam than of their parents dying—one in three said that life isn't worth living.

Dubbed an "authoritarian democracy" by critics, Singapore is "a first world oasis in a third world region"—where political dissidents would better apply for asylum in the US or the West to avoid being fined, jailed, or made bankrupt.

by MathPlus March 26, 2017

493👍 588👎


A country that has turned learning into drudgery and killed the joy of both teaching and learning, because of its obsession to be top in international studies like TIMSS and PISA.

Singapore's subsidized tertiary education is mostly funded by sin tax, thanks to hundreds of thousands of local gamblers—Singapore is unofficially the third largest gambling market in the world.

by MathPlus July 31, 2017

363👍 459👎


A free-market economy that is unspokenly flushed with cash from tax fugitives, making revenue earned from tourism and exported goods and services pale in comparison.

Among the unofficially reported tax fugitives who became Singapore citizens are Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin, Chinese movie stars Jet Li and Gong Li, investment guru Jim Rogers, not to say, the thousands of millionaires from Indonesia, India, Malaysia, and India.

by MathPlus April 12, 2017

449👍 544👎


A country located 300 KM from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Singapore is separated from Malaysia by the Straight of Johor (Johor is a state in Malaysia). To the north is the city of Johor Bahru, and to the south of the Johor-Singapore Causeway (the bridge linking Malaysia and Singapore) is the Woodlands District. Singapore is a 1st world country and the President of Singapore is Tony Tan Keng Yam. Singapore is mainly known for it strict laws (ex. No gay people, no gum chewing, and no porn) But it is known for its famous shopping centers such as Orchard Road and the Marina Bay Sands Shopping Center.

Singapore is known for its Excellent Education System. I recently moved from Niles, Illinois (I went to Niles North High School ) to Tanjong Pagar, Singapore, and I could not survive at my new school (Anderson Junior College) even though I had a 3.9 GPA back in Illinois ( I have about what is equal to a 2.4 GPA in the US.) Right now they are teaching me about the Binomial Theorem when I just learned about the Pythagorean Theorem.

Offical Languages are Tamil, Hokkien/Cantonese, Malay, and Singaporean Colloquial English/British English

Singapore is the best country I have ever been too (Ive been to Cambodia, Laos, Hong Kong, China, Macau, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Thailand) and it is a country I hope you will truly enjoy it as much as I do.

American Student: Where are you from?

Exchange Student: Singapore

American Student: Lucky Smart ass

by NaMaSAyaRyAn October 19, 2011

60👍 66👎


Arguably the libel capital of the world, where democracy or freedom of speech is ranked very low among developed countries, and political persecution or defamation for contempt of court very high for anyone who dares to publish content critical of the government.

The number of Singaporeans and foreign journalists threatened with a lawsuit in recent years has been on the rise, as authorities often use dated colonial or internal security laws as a pretext for maintaining religious or racial harmony to silence and punish political critics.

by MathPlus December 5, 2018

355👍 451👎


An educational mecca for budget-conscious tourists, who are looking for some cheap, cool math books for their kids whose math grades have hardly improved from using locally published textbooks.

Although Singapore is arguably a first-class economy with a third-rate educational publishing industry—which often condones Machiavellian math practices—however, its wallet-friendly math K-12 titles are sought after by homeschoolers in many developed and developing countries.

by MathPlus September 16, 2018

343👍 441👎