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1.) A gang-style fraternity linked to the punkrock subculture that identifies themselves with uniform dress and appearance, with strong shared interests. Loyalty to each other rather than political affiliations is held as the highest ideal.
2.) An army of sad twats who know nothing of true brotherhood, substituting loyalty with beer drinking and mutual ego stroking. They can recite the entire history of skinheads from the "Spirit of 69" books, wear "Hooligan Empire" shirts and date fat girls who attempt to hide their hideousness by dressing like Betty Page, but would never run full tilt into a group of drunken frat boys who were giving one of their loud mouthed "brothers" the beating they so richly deserve. You know who you are, because it's MOST of you.

skin1 "I found a place we can shoot some darts. Wanna go?"
skin2 "Do they have a decent jukebox?"

skin1 "Oi mate! Check out my new Rangers jersey! Let's go watch some footy!"
skin2 "I can't, I'm going to a union meeting tonight. I am so working class."
skin1 "That's cool. Hey! There's those highschool kids from the ska show! Let's go intimidate them!"
skin2 "Hey wait, there's your old friend Bob. Didn't you tell him you'd kick his ass if you ever saw him again?"
skin1 "Well... Yeah. But I'd rather not start a fight because my enormous girlfriend with a pin-up fetish would get mad at me."
skin3 "Hey. It's me, Bob. You got something to say?"
skin1 "Yeah. Let's just have a beer and forget it all. Skinheads should stick together and not fight."
all "Oi!"

by PBR_Rocksteady July 23, 2005

41๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž


As far as I am concerned, racist or anti-racist, a skinhead is an ignorant, violent, loud mouth twat with the mind-set of a 14 year old. Their "working class" beliefs are basically a poor excuse for working construction all their lives due to a lack of education and the inability to further a real professional career.

wow, that anti-racist skinhead kicked the crap out of that innocent homosexual. Gee, then he went home and beat his wife, drank a beer, and listened to some godawful oi.

by dade murphy March 24, 2005

57๐Ÿ‘ 194๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) Rather violent group of people that fit a certain attitude, wear a certain type of jacket, yada yada.. just like any other label.

2) Working class 'racists' sorry folks, of all the skinheads I know, none are racist.

3) Hardcore scenesters that revolve around the working class and thrasher punk or oi.. ;x

1) That skinhead just broke that dudes jaw.. and that was through the padding of his fucking huge jacket!

2) There goes that skinhead again.. talking about opression and hating on Jews.

3) That skinhead is in three different unions, don't know how he keeps it up, but I do know that he really likes OI.

by Lissa June 1, 2004

33๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž


Suburban kids who grow up, get cars, and start going to real shows. Pretend to be working class. Also shave their heads. Usually, they're assholes.

Ex1."Guy1: Did you see those skinhead guys pushing that kid around?
Guy2: Yeah. They're pretty big dickheads.
Guy1: I thought that being "working class" might constitute some kind of brotherly love.
Guy2: Nah, they need to get out their frat-house frustrations."

Ex2. And while I'm behind the safety of the internet: SKINHEADS OF ALL TYPES CAN SUCK MY DICK. Fuck you.

by Stanley Stockton August 7, 2005

46๐Ÿ‘ 162๐Ÿ‘Ž


Douchebags who complain to bands on how they don't play the music they like at shows.

Skinhead 1: Play something good!

by lawlz June 19, 2006

40๐Ÿ‘ 144๐Ÿ‘Ž


An individual who has grown disillusioned with the socially-enforced racial status quo of today which is utterly detrimental to the White race, and thus chooses to fight it opposed to remaining inactive and complacent.

by Ubermensch February 4, 2003

37๐Ÿ‘ 145๐Ÿ‘Ž


One with a shaved head, tight jeans, boots, and who cannot fight on his own. They usually go around in large groups beating up younger kids or people in smaller numbers.

The word skinhead is almost an oxy-moron. When you see one, there are usually ten more standing behind you.

by J January 24, 2004

43๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž