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A word used by basic white bitches who think they’re original and funny

omg queen slayyyyyy -brittneigh

by borghead July 9, 2022

59πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


verb - In the U.S. Naval Academy, to have sex with another Midshipman without emotional attachment. When slaying becomes dating, the correct term is dark side

slayer (noun) - One who engages in slaying

My roommate is a slayer.

by Joe Mid March 17, 2005

171πŸ‘ 208πŸ‘Ž


An abrubt end to a lively conversation by a single comment.

"You just slayed everyone!"

by East Guys January 13, 2006

78πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž


mitski always slays.
mitski IS slay.

mitski slays

by LEI ALWAYS SLAYS August 2, 2022

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The word "slay" has 2 meanings, in this day and age, when someone says the word "slay" to someone, it's mostly if they did something good or look good. The word slay can also mean kill.

you slayed that outfit

by ello1234 April 3, 2023


to look fetch and get all the girlies going yassss

"OMG girl ur outfit is so slay!!!"
"tbh her outfit slayed and ate no crumbs"

by brianbrawls May 1, 2023


1) What can be done to trolliping whores
2) To drink mad beers and get completely sauced

To slay can be done seperately in either example one or two or a combination of both such as slaying mad beers and gettting completely shitfucked then continuing to slay some trolliping whore you meet during your drunken rage.

D-Rock: Man im so shitfaced id do a fat girl right now
StevieG: Its probably from slaying beers all night

Yo i just met this girl at a party, we're heading back to my place to slay like unicorns.

At the whore house last Mike just slayed every girl in sight.

by G-LACK$ November 28, 2006

77πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž