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The act of doing a girl from behind while simultaneously slapping her ass with both hands.

Hey Tyrone, that girl Becky from last night was so fine. I ended up bat-smackin her so hard that shit came out of her mouth.

by frijoles69 May 23, 2011

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smackin' pat

slang for 'smoking pot'

(adult lurks nearby)
Emily: so you up for smackin' pat this weekend ?
Alyson: sure bitch.

by the loose one September 19, 2007

Smackin' the sauce

To have sexual intercourse with a girl during her period.

Person 1: Yooo! Don't think I'm nasty but im smackin' the sauce with Stacy tonight.
Person 2: Ahhh, you wild. Smh

by Groovy Nipple May 9, 2018

Steady smackin'

When you eat honey smacks loudly

He was steady smackin' that cereal.

by Theodore Bone June 4, 2018

Smackin Bangin

(Short for smacking-banging) When food tastes fucking awesome.

β€œThose wings were smackin bangin last night.”

by MillerMatt October 8, 2021

what's smackin'

A greeting that's sorta like what's crackin', except you also slap them.

What's smackin'? Do you skateboard while you smoke?

by BrianButler December 4, 2006

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get it smackin

To smoke or shoot heroin; in some cases may refer to getting high off of anything other than marijuana.

Doug: "Woooh! I'm 'bout to get it smackin, son!"
Ed: "You a fiend, yo! I don't smoke nothin'but weed."

by TwizzleDee April 30, 2008

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