The idea that the masses in society have become mentally (and physically) weak because of the declining amount of time and quality of sleep they get.
In the Gulag Archipelago, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn says, "sleeplessness befogs the reason, undermines the will, and the human being ceases to be himself, to be his own 'I.'"
Instead of Soviet-era prisoners, imagine the modern society in which the majority lack sufficient sleep. The main difference here in modern society is that the sleep deprivation process is not physically enforced by the regime, but its rather determined by the choices of the individual. These are choices that individuals make that can impede their sleep. Commonly we see people consume products (fast food, caffeine, etc.) and use technological devices (phone use late at night) that will harm their sleep schedule.
Was it ever really normal for kids in school to have only a few hours of sleep until recently? Of course not, but the use of addictive substances and devices recently has allowed this to happen. The result of sleep deprivation from these products on a mass scale is that people are much more susceptible to deviate from societal norms because they lack the agency to maintain them. With people lacking the willpower to maintain societal norms, this serves as an excellent opportunity for regimes. Regimes will then craft narratives for the weak-willed people, and these people will naturally incorporate these ideas within their moral framework.
"That dude's life is literally just a 3-hour sleep schedule with a diet consisting of Cheetos and Sprite... and he is surprised he has low energy and feels depressed. He is the epitome of someone living under a Societal Sleep Psychosis."
When two people spend a lot of time together and begin to develop feelings for each other. But they actually are just assuming society's view on relationships. That people are suppose to be in pairs. So two good friends think they're in a romantic relationship.
John and Jane are both unemployed, so they have a lot of time to spend together. They start getting feelings that they mistaken as romance. They start really dating, get jobs and realize they were suffering from societal familiarity disorder (SFD)!
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When at the end of the evening, you pour water upon your fire, and submit for approval.
After an eventful evening, Johnny Rudd was found midnight societing the fire.
any tv show on nickelodeon after icarly ended.
greg: wanna watch nick?
jorge: no, anything on nick after icarly ended is societal death.
A societal pinch point is a situation, place or experience, created either by accident or without knowledge / inadvertently by the creator, that forces human interaction and will inevitably lead to one or more involved parties entering / leaving the situation angry, upset, hurt, anxious, depressed and may end in violence.
Many people avoid these societal pinch-points all together out of anxiety or fear.
- Merge lanes
- Any place humans have to form more than one line
- Any situation where manners / etiquette is unclear
- Parking lots
- Any physical place where people want something that there are too few of
- Being the first car in front at a red light
The drive through at my local fast food restaurant has one of those two lane drive throughs, every very time I get in line, people always try and get in front, and when I order first and move up first, the person in the inner lane tries to cut me off, so I don't go to that fast food restaurant so as to avoid that societal pinch-point.
The other day I got stuck holding the door for someone I thought was right behind me coming into a building, turns out they were just far enough away and moving just slowly enough to make the whole experience a societal pinch point; do I hold the door, do I let it go, if I let it go am I an asshole, if I hold it am I a little bitch?
I was at the grocery store to buy some flat leaf parsley and there was ten of them on the stand, when I went to grab one, a lady took all ten, and refused to give me even one because she needed all of them. When did my local grocery store become a societal pinch point?
Societal speciesism is the formalization of a set of institutional, historical, cultural, and interpersonal practices within a society that more often than not puts one species or supernatural group in a better position to succeed and at the same time disadvantages other groups and species in a consistent and constant matter that disparities develop between the groups and species over a period of time. Societal speciesism can also be referred as structural speciesism and as awtokism.
"Societal speciesism is a big problem nowadays, mainly because it encourages speciesism and normalization of speciesism and awtokism, and even leading into awtokist behavior and advocating."
"Societal speciesism is what awtokism is about, even societal speciesism is still a lot debatable since its concepts need to be well developed for we get a conclusion."
The Societal Trinity is a phenomenon in that give enough time every society no matter location or culture will create some form of sword, doughnut, and alcoholic beverage.
The Societal Trinity occurs in all societies