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Sofa Butt

The pain you get in your ass from sitting on it all day. Discomfort can also be in the lower back.

This was referenced in S06 E21 of the popular TV Show "New Girl" (2011-2018) when Jessica Day, suffering from heartbreak, refused to leave the house.

"Let's just get you out of this house"
"Yeah, right"
"Well what are you going to do? You're gonna sit on this couch all day long? You'll get sofa butt. C'mon, let's go get some ice cream."

by Abhay The Great June 12, 2019

Sofa Spud

Basically means the same as Couch potato, which means they just sit around on the couch while watching TV and usually eating.

Bill sat around all day watching TV and eating crisps so that makes him a sofa spud.

by Shadow77110 January 30, 2007

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Sofa Kingdom

"So fucking dumb."

Did you hear about the new furniture store downtown? It's Sofa Kingdom!

by n00btard August 12, 2003

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sofa of shame

The couch in the back that all the girls on the Maury show run to and start crying on when they find out that the guy they were 110% sure was the father of their baby in fact isn't. This is followed either by the guy doing a victory dance for the crowd or going to the fat hoe and comforting her crying, assuring her that he will help her find all 20 guys she had slept with prior to conceiving the child and get them to do a DNA test.

Maury: In the case of 6 month old Dequavis, Tyrone, you are NOT the father!
*Sharkisha then falls to the ground in disbelief and does a beeline straight to the sofa of shame*

by go f0ck yourself September 15, 2019

ripped sofa

A womans vagina when her legs are spread

I hope you have washed your ripped sofa darling, I wish to drink from the furry cup this evening

by I.Lowndes January 14, 2007

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sofa sunday

Sitting on the sofa on a Sunday watching football, drinking beers and eating nachos and buffalo wings.

Wife: Can you go out and do some errands?

Man: No babe it is sofa Sunday I will later.

by pizzadue November 30, 2012

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Sofa Captain

A former US Navy officer who loves watching TV. He often sits with a remote in his hand, patting the sofa as if it were a ship. The most famous Sofa Captain is Captain Earl Pickles, USN Ret.

Earl: Hey Nelson, you want to sit here with your favorite Sofa Captain? I think 'The Flintstones' is on.

Nelson: You are a such a goof! Of course I'll sit there with you.

Earl: (like a sea captain) Aye aye! Clear sailing ahead, matey!

Nelson: (like a sea captain) Arrgh, the goodship Flintstones dead ahead!

Opal: Anybody want some brownies and milk? Sofa Captains needs their snacks, you know!

by Dusty's Baby Powder January 21, 2011