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Chili Spigot

a butthole

Steve:so, did you get any last night?

Dave:hell yeah, once I got Sara home, I jammed it right into her chili spigot!

by vikingdrunk January 20, 2011


•A title given to a person in a discriminatory way. However, unlike most slurs, it isn't based on anything related to religion, sex, race, sexual orientation, etc. It is purely based on the content of their character. In other words, a slur that does not discriminate!

Santiago: Fuck you dude.

Sean: Bro don't be such a spigot!

by BigWillyScavver July 15, 2022


1. A component with 2 dimensions that locates two items in the right place.

2. A word that was made up because Dad had no idea what to say

1. I bout a spigot for the MZ
2. A Spigot is a perfectly good word!

by Ecodragon28 November 23, 2020


A dead motherfucker.

Spigot is a dead motherfucker.

by VIBIN October 21, 2022

Spigot Ass

A ungodly form of diarrhea to where it’s like a water spigot on full blast

Man I had horrible spigot ass I had to clean the back of the toilet seat

by your lovely mom April 2, 2020

splooge spigot

A derogatory term for a guy who acts like an ass to a girl.

First coined by author Kelley Harvey in the book SO. BAD. , from the Bad Boy Next Door Collection.

Don't be such a splooge spigot, Tommy.

by WriteHot January 29, 2017