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(1). (noun) slang; derogatory term referring to a black person or someone of African descent; Originally used as a description of someone of African descent being scared easily at ideas of the occult or ghosts.

(2). (noun) a ghost; specter; or spirit

(3). (verb) to scare or startle easily

"Man, did you see how spooked that spook got when he was watching that movie "Saw"? Did you notice how high he jumped out of his chair? You'd swear he was on a basketball court!"

β€œYeah,... stupid spook.” LOL

by razed October 17, 2007

269πŸ‘ 173πŸ‘Ž


A term used by political thinker, Max Stirner to describe constructs of society, saying they are like ghosts in your head. It isn't as outrageous as it is today to say, but Stirner thought that gender was a spook, saying that it doesn't exist.

Karl Marx: I love being a man.
Max Stirner: That's a spooky spook.

by IAmVeryDepressed August 20, 2020

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A street nigger

Get out of here you god damb spook

by Wordyeller July 10, 2018

15πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Inhaling household items to get high.

ie. spray paint, glue, paint thinner

Man, Sam's trippin nasty, he's been spooking all day.

Yeah spray paint will do that shit to you.

by SeΓ±or Badeass October 22, 2007

36πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


1. (noun) slang; derogatory term referring to a black person or someone of African descent; Originally used as a description of someone of African descent being scared easily at ideas of the occult or ghosts.

2. (noun) a ghost; specter; or spirit

3. (verb) to scare or startle easily

"Man, that spook really got spooked watching that movie "Saw". Did you notice how high he jumped? You'd swear he was on a basketball court!"

"Yeah,..." LOL "Stupid spook."

by razed October 17, 2007

154πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž


According to me, and the mfs in chapter 20 of The Things They Carried, spooked means

"to get killed"

My Dawg: Ight we goin on this drill right quick, ill be back

Me: Ight bruh get back, an dont get spooked

by BoodanemGsama May 6, 2023


While ghosting is ending a relationship without explanation and ceasing all communication, spooking is then reaching out to someone you haven't talked to in a long time.

Example 1: Dude, I hit up Jessica last night! We totally hit it off, wish I wouldn't have waited 10 years to reach out. Turns out spooking works sometimes.

Example 2: Man I haven't talked to Kanye in forever, I should spook him.

by ajz003 December 25, 2018