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A creepy girl who is obsessed with someone to the point of insanity and you will always see them doing one of the followings, eg. hiding behinds wall, cars, bushes, shop.

I didn't really know why would there be people who stalk others until I became one. I was a stalker when I was in middle school. There was this guy whom I thought was really hot, handsome. He was attractive in so many ways so I decided to stalk him. I found at the his favourite place after school was at a shopping mall so I went there with my friends hoping to catch him hanging around there. A stalker would appear to be very creepy, they will be hiding behind walls, cars, and many places and the stalker would use many kinds of ways just to know where their victim live, their phone number and where they are going.

by xxthedefinitionwriterxx May 18, 2013

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A stalker is someone who says "You belong to me and I have your soul"...OR "Your mine and I won't let anyone have you." He also points out that he knows everything about you and questions on a daily basis "Did you fuck anyone?" He follows you around like he has no sense. He becomes
threatening when you ignore him or show no interest. He has his friends(errand boys) keep tabs on you...they report everything to your stalker. He acts like there was a relationship...when there was none. And he gets off on creeping you out or pissing you off...as long as you don't
ignore him. ANY attention ...even negative attention is a good thing to a stalker. BUT DO NOT IGNORE THEM...they can't stand that. They are normally possessive,obsessive and just plain delusional.

John "Hey Helena...I know everything about you!"
Elena: "What are you talking about?"
John: "Go ahead...ask me any question"
Elena: "Dude..your really creepy."
John: "Yeah, well...YOU SHOULD BE SCARED OF ME!"
John: "But I love you!"
Elena: "Hey Susan..your friend John is like a stalker!"

by Kaylani November 30, 2006

153๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone that is obsessed with a person. Watching and noticing every part and piece on your body. A person that craves attention so they stalk you because they want the same attention. A person with great interest and finds everything about you remarkable yet have no idea who you are.

Bob(the stalker):Hi Kelly
Kelly: Who is this person

by Ashley Morrison December 13, 2003

552๐Ÿ‘ 385๐Ÿ‘Ž


Can refer to an individual in a group of people that stalk, known as gang stalking, or mob stalking, or mulitistalking. They use hidden/covert moving vehicular and foot surveillance techniques, and their aim is to harass, maim, and sommetimes even kill, by any method they can think of, including vehicular, poisoning, electronic "soft-kill" weapons, or more traditional methods. Most often, they like to falsely blame the victim ,for recognizing the stalking problem, as being imaginary or chemerical thinking, or a mental illness, such as paranoid and schizophrenia. Criminal doctors "chime in" and knowingly give a false diagnosis to help influential wealthy criminals cover-up what they doing. People who are leaders in these groups have access to voice-to-skull technology, and weapons that use the electromagnetic spectrum frequencies/beams that shoot invisible strong electricity, microwave, and other harmful and sometimes lethal radio frequencies. People who are in these groups, which cover entire states and the entire USA and other industrilized countries, as well as some other countries, are from all backgrounds and vocations, and ages. It is linked to the deep pockets of the illicit drug trade, and The New Wolrd Order, which the elder President Bush introduced in a speech in the early 1990's, and that movement of the criminal elite continues today. Simply, if a person doesn't believe in aggression to overtake resources, including hurting innocent people, then the NWO network figures you don't meet their profile and standards, and you may find yourself being a target. In short, they like to sabottage innocent people's jobs, friendships, and health, usually over a period of time to cover their tracks using various methods, as described above, plus many more, to make everything look like just and "accident" or the bad breaks of life.

Tim was a rising star in electrical engineering, until the NWO criminals and their network began stalking him, and ruined his life.

See, mindjustice.org, and multistalkersforum, and eharassment.ca, and Eleanor White's web site.

by Twin Towers March 23, 2006

226๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž


What every kid thinks of another when a peer says hi in the halls. . . it's said WAY too much, and its stupid, because stalking is a serious issue, and its friggin scary as hell. So I've seen in the news & on TV shows.

Actually, it is when a male or female, of any age, becomes fixed on a certain person or group, usually an individual, though. They do anything associated with this person; buying items the victim owns, watching them/following them, attempting contact through technology (phones, internet, xbox, etc.), and many more ways. The stalker wants to know everything possible about the person, so they do their research. Once they really 'grow' on the person (getting used to looks & habits), when change is made, they either become hostile or move on to a different target. Stalking can take place in any environment, any age, and for a long period of time, or in opposite, a very short time. Not all cases of stalking have murderous or sexual purposes, most cases have no motive at all. Stereotypically, the stalker may be an ex-partner of the victim. Underage stalking has an even bigger punishment . ..

~Brother: Maddie, dude your such a stalker! Poor Justin Bieber...

-8 year old sister: Nuh uh! You liarrr!

~Brother: Must we review what happened after the concert three months ago? Yes, I believe we do; you hid in his bathroom, waited until he finished his CD signing. Then you popped out of the shower as he was dropping a shit? That wasn't cool...

-8 year old sister: I am not! He's just wicked hot, and I want to marry him, and I want him to take my virginity away!:D

~Brother: o.O

by Kingfishahh(; December 28, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


-what ex girflfriends do during the flollowin 6 months after ending a relationship
-what facebook, myspace and all that shit promote (being a)

1: dude, caroline totally fucked up my dating plan with jessica...she said she was still my gf
2: men, she really is a psycho-ass-stalker

by Puhercules August 6, 2009

77๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who's homepage of their internet is someone else's facebook. Someone who ditches their friends to go follow someone round a club, skulking behing anything they can find. Asking how their relationship stands after meeting them two minutes ago.

Will, your a fucking stalker! Get off that girls facebook you don't even speak to her, and where have my tissues gone?

by k3nsi3 February 15, 2009

35๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž