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Turd Stuffer

Another name for a โ€˜flamerโ€™. A guy that wont shut up already about the fact that he's a homosexual and he wants the world to know it...but everybody knows and they are tired of hearing it. Also, a flamer bent on converting a straight guy into a flamer.

You'll stay away from that Turd Stuffer if you know whats good for you. He swears up and down your a flamer too and he's bent on hookin up with you.

by hemingwaysbackporch April 10, 2011

condom stuffers

Generally undesired items purchased along with condoms, in order to make the purchaser feel less self conscious about purchasing condoms.

I felt embarrassed when I bought those condoms, so I grabbed some condom stuffers to fill the basket. It wasn't until after I left the store that I realized I had grabbed a Harry Potter book and a bottle of hand lotion.

by rubberoff February 9, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stocking Stuffer

A tube sock that is used by adolescent males to ejaculate into when masturbating to contain the mess and hide it from their moms

My mom knew I was jerking off when she found my stiff stocking stuffer in the clothes hamper

by wildcard007 December 20, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Doughnut Stuffer

1. A mechanism used for stuffing doughnuts with fillings, such as creme, jelly, etc.

2. Performing intense anal sex with a large woman, often resulting in a stuffed doughnut.

James: Oh, good. Miguel is a doughnut stuffer.
Adam: He needs Jesus.

by KrispiKreme March 2, 2015

puss stuffer

a guy wit a huge dick

hey,maria i fucked greg last night. He is a puss stuffer.That boy is huge. U might wanna git u some of that

by rasheeda a.k.a rocky December 12, 2006

Mutha stuffers

Sandwich shop in the heart of Sugarbush Resort ski area, where everyone gets stuffed including your mutha. Top of the line boars head meats, and yea his got monster pickles and sausage with mad flava.

Demetri: hey Dino did my mother eat here today?

Dino: yea I stuffed her and your 2 little sista's. They had the Fubar sandwich and the special of the day.

Demetri: well I'm glad you filled them up on your delicious meats.

Dino: just remember demetri mutha stuffers is where you'll find the best sandwiches north of staten island!!!

by Greekfubar3 January 30, 2012

Shoe Stuffer

Someone who buys shoes 5 sizes larger than their actual foot, because they want people to think they have a big wang

Person1: Dylan is does not have a size 15 hes just stuffs it, fucking Shoe Stuffer

Person2: yea he just tries to appear big to people, Shoe Stuffing tool bag

by The Walrus12354 July 23, 2011