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Suicidal is when you want to give up on the world and when you want to kill yourself

I'm really suicidal right now

by Rxvenlxve June 25, 2020

21👍 1👎


The act of getting out of life when it’s shit. ( they are not a coward tho they just need to get out of life for some reason)

She couldn’t take the bullying anymore and committed suicide.

Gossip girl:My classmate committed suicide what a weak bitch
Person with an actual heart:
Hey this is why she did it because of you, you have blood on your hands


by Thatgirl05 October 3, 2019

60👍 11👎


When someone had too much information & gets murdered but the killer makes it appear to be a suicide.

Mike was found dead hung in his home after he was going to talk about what he knew.
Looks like he got Suicided.

by LunchtimeImam August 6, 2018

57👍 7👎


☠ ⛧̵͈̦͍̞̟̼͚̟̙̜̤̳̥̪͔͔͇̦̹̯͈̦̲̬͕̫̣͓̇̍̀̔̃́̆̄͂̐͑̾̽͛̊̀͒̾͘͜͝͝ͅͅ ̟̩͔͔̜̈́̊͒̀̀͋͂́̈͝☠ ̧̛̼̭̲̺̱̺̘̫̩̯̝̥̥̹̥͕̜͎͔̦̦̙͇̮̻͍̝̺͖̥͕͖̳̰͗̑̉͑̓̌̂̓̚͜͜͜͝͠ͅ ̶̧̡̨̛̰͕͇̞͓̥͔͙̼͉̻̻͔̣̣͍̬̰͚̰̺̟͕̰͋̐̈́̇̀̈́͌͝⛥̶̢̨̧̢̛̠̱̪͎̠̱̲̝̯̥̣̪̗̠̦̭̳͈͛̐̿̋̐͑̀̒̉̂̚͘̕ͅ ̵̨͉̯͓̻̲͍͙̬̖͉̜͍̱̬̪̩̙̌̎̾̈́̏̀́̊͘͠͝ͅ☠ ̢̡̛͖̥̻͉͌̃̈̀̌̍̉̽͋̊̍̄͂́̿̓̽̏̈́̽̔͆̇̄͛̄̓̓̄̀͋̏͆̈́̉͘̚͜͠͠ ̶̢̨͍̗̞̩͙̗̫̺̳̪̘̠͇͔͉̭̫̟̞̬̀̂̽̃̾̓̃̅͂̚͝͝ͅͅ☠̵͚̠̄͊̋̌̍͛͊̈́́̊̿̉̍̊͒͘͘ ̨̧̢̡̨̠̯̻̲̮̳̬̭̼͓̺̣͎͎͈̻̲̜͔̲͙͔͙͙͔̠͇̱̙̗͚̦̀́̔̊̒̂̎̈́̽̄̀͂̆̒̕͜ͅ☠̵̳͎̞̈́̐̄̎̒͛͆̀̈́͒̃̀̃̀̇̋̀͘͝ ̵͕̹̌͛̇͆̃̉̿̈́̑͋͌͠ ̶̨̢̧̢̢̧̛̛̛̻̗̝̲̖̻̞̥͉̱͍̺͚̬̼̩̝̫̙̱̟̖͕͙̠͖̜̖̗̙̻̉̉̑̀̏͗͋̾͑̔̾̐́̓̓̈̓̎͌̇̐͆͘͜͠͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͝ķ̵̨̭̫̟͖͍̪͓̙̬͚̙͎̣̪̮̟͈͎̽̈͗̆́̆͂̑̋̎̈́̈͋̈́̒̔̐͆̇̕͠ͅͅi̵̧͈͈̝͈̮͈̺͙̮̞̠̙̎̇̊̇͌͑̅̑̅͊̅̈͆́̀̈́͒̆̅̎͐̽̏̈͘̚͘͝͝ͅl̵̨̡̧̢̡̨̧̲̬̬̞̙͓̬̪̪̫̩̻̤͖̹̩̪̘͈̹̮̹̳͔̦͚͉̘͙̟̼̜̈́̋̃̊̓̚ͅl̵̢͚̦͓̜̮̪͚̜̞̲̣̺̻̱̫̼̭̠̜͖̭̹͕͔͈̳̉̈́̀̎͌̄̈́͗̽̎̓͗͌́͊͗̔̂̓̇̿͂̃̊̚̕͝ ̴̧̡̨̦̥̼̥̣̖̬͉̬̩͎͚͈̬̗͍̺̩̪͕̝̜̥̘͔͍͌̋͌͜͜m̶̛̺͍͖̣̣̟̗͍͇̗̹͖͂̆̾́̿̓̔͒̾̈̿̇̕͜͜e ̢̩̞̦̩̲̙̬͓̞̳̳̺̱͉͈̙͇̰̞̰̠͍̖̼̰̙͇͕͐̈́̆͛̉̐̿̽͒͛͆̋̋̓͗͗̆̍̌̒̚͠͝͝ ̴̧̧̛̱̯̭͈̙͉͎̤̠͍̩̗̩̋͛̏͌̇̾̍̀͋̈́̔̀̽̊̒̏̒̈́̈́͒̇̊̅̚͘̚͘̚͝ͅͅ ̡̡̧̨̰͕͎̺͔̝͙̘̠̱̭̭̙̺̹̘̬͓͓̟̘̩̣̈́̐̈́̀͊̃̔̅́̽̏̊̒̓̈̇̓̔̽͜͝͝ͅ⛧̴̡̛̦̝̹̪̺͈̭̭̲̯̹͔̇̃͊̏̆̓̏̈́́̊̆͛͋́̈̐̓̂̀̋̅̄̈́̈̄͘̕͝͝͝͝ ̶̢̤̱̖̬͕̬͎̯̹̤̖͙̥̪̪̖̼̬̳͆̾͐̒̎͌̔̈́̓̓̀̄̑̔̓͆̏̓̓̊̓́̀̿͋̓̅͋̈́̈̈̑̚̕͜͠͠☠ ̭͉̘̜͕͚̭̰̟͖͙̥̜̋́̇̍̿̕͠ ̵̢̡̢̬̤̝̫̟͎͙͔̱̹̩͇͖̳̦̼̼̱̗̳͓͙̰͙̳̰͎̙̼̞͍̩̽̍̏͛͑͂͘͜ͅ⛥ ̨̺͖̜͓͍̙̳̳̟̃͊̈́̒̋̽́́̇̽͆̊̚͝ͅ ̵̢̛̛̝͔̘͖͔̦̭̼̙̦̳̺̬̯̪̲͆̋͐̋͆̉̏̏̉̽͑̍̅͂͗̊̑͒̌̀̽̍̌̓̌̇̽̈́͐̽̈͘͝☠̵̢̛̯͉̼͈̺͍̗̬̦͍͇͇͖̈̈́͒͛̂͊͆̊̐͑̇̂͑͘͝͠ͅ ̧̨̛̲̹̩̟͕͓̪̳͖̱̯̤̰̪͍͖̖̲̩͍̥͈͙̭̭̺̠̯͎̪̯͙̲̃͗̃̊̊̀̎̐͑͐̏̈́͗̋̆̈́͐̈́͊͋̐̾̆̈̾̄̍̉̒͐̌͊̉͋̚̕͜͝͝͠ψ̶̧̡̮̤̞̥̯̬̜̮̞̹̼̘͇͈̘̼̘̙̻̜̦̬̞̲͈̼̻̀̀̓̈́̈́̇͂̈́̀͊̈̕͜ͅ ̶̦̊̉̚̚☠ ̢̨̫͉̦̯͈̺̪̻̭͉̱̦̺̟͍͎͙̝̞̤̘̟͂̄̇̔̋̅̾̎̽̊̌̇̏̋́̉̎͛̓͆̾͐̿̑͘͜͠͝ ☠

i want to kill myself ,cause im feeling suicidal.

by rayjune September 14, 2018

85👍 12👎



Usually happens when people treat you like absolute shit for far too long and when you can’t take it anymore.

Homophobe: “Dude, what?! You should kill yourself, faggot. You have no game. No one likes you... and you confuse straight men for gay men all because they’re staring at you and blushing when they get caught looking at you.”
Gay man: *shoots himself in the head after hearing this word/insult for the 100,000th time in his life — he’s only been alive for 8,979 days. He’s tired.*

Other options: overdosing (can be painful), cutting oneself too death (will be extremely painful), jumping off a skyscraper/bridge (will be very frightening and you can potentially regret the decision on the way down, but that might not be the truth considering how much pain is in this world), hanging oneself (it hurts a lot for a few seconds, but you’ll lose consciousness for a few minutes after your neck snaps), driving a car off of a cliff/into a lake/hard ground or smashing it into a wall (it could potentially leave you paralysed for the rest of your life and might make it harder for you to commit suicide), euthanasia (painless; illegal in most of the United States), gunshot wound to the head (probably the most painless and gruesome to leave behind for the abusers that pushed you to that point... they’ll probably just laugh at your corpse in the same way they laughed at you during their sadistic/selfish/hedonistic pursuits).

by Patricia Jenkins September 25, 2018

31👍 2👎


Humans began to question why they existed in this seemingly endless area that we call the universe. Some people answered that question with religion, family, labor, and love – but others saw these only as ways of coping with an apparent lack of objective meaning and purpose. The people that found absolutely no purpose turned to suicide to end their emptiness – and continue to do so to this very day. Suicide exists as a response to societal illusions of goals and purpose, and not as the actions of deranged or sad individuals.
Society does not concern itself with the individuals that make up the whole, but rather that the whole functions. If society loses a large portion of its members to suicide, it will be unable to sustain itself.

Along with lack of meaning in the universe, suicide also correlates with an individual’s level of socialization. Individuals with low socialization realize that in the eyes of society, they do not mean anything. These people may not have jobs, families, or friends. They believe that whether or not they wake up the next day, the world will keep on turning. An individual with a high level of socialization becomes disillusioned with societal expectations that once kept him going. He can no longer cope with the pressure of the day to day routine of going to work, bonding with friends, and raising a family. He wants out; he wants to let someone else take his place, because he knows that he is absolutely replaceable.

I can no longer function in society with purpose, I may commit suicide

by Jeremiah Collins March 13, 2015

95👍 15👎


The taking of ones life because of different reasons such as:
1) Being depressed
2) In a pact/group
3)struggling with life in general

*No one who commits suicide is selfish at all. They are struggling to the point where they don't want to go through the mental/physical/emotional pain they go through each day

My friend decided to end his life by committing suicide the other day

by Thesmoltransbean June 20, 2017

26👍 4👎