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Rocket Surgeon

Someone with less-than-stellar aptitude. A mixture of "rocket scientist" and "brain surgeon", this phrase describes a person that is neither. The subject also frequently has an overinflated sense of self worth, flaunting his acheivments and trying to insult other people's intelligence whenever he or she feels dumb.

The phrase also implies that the person is dumb enough to try cutting open a rocket, or perform some other action that would get them "Darwined".

The phrase is best used in the presence of said person, especially when you know it will take them several seconds to realize they've just been zinged. This is often heard amongst tech-support agents.

I just got off the phone with some Rocket Surgeon who was cussing me out because he couldn't figure out how to open the battery door on his camera, and kept telling me all about his MCSE and his PhD.

by DirkusMaximus May 10, 2007

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Plastic Surgeon

a type of doctor who preforms surgery such as reconstructive or works on celebrities for help thier overall apperance. He is very rich and had a great job.

Brandon Bucher's dad is the biggest plastic surgeon in PA!

by Shannon Rotzler July 17, 2008

42๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Negropedic Surgeon

A person of African descent who deals with feet. They could be a foot surgeon or even a shoe salesmen at Foot Locker or any shoe place.

Those are some fresh kicks.

Yeah my Negropedic surgeon at Foot Locker suggested them for me.

by donkey dealer November 10, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hood Surgeon

Hood Surgeon, born Curtis Young, is a West Coast rapper and the son of hip-hop legend Andre Young (Dr. Dre). He is the co-founder of So Hood Records with Jason Rosales. Hood Surgeon has yet to enter mainstream hip-hop.

"Maybe Hood Surgeon gone' drop some vocals on Dre's next album..."

by Martin Font May 1, 2006

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restroom surgeon

An employee who, after having gone to the bathroom, washes, scrubs, and dries their hands for several minutes to avoid going back to their job function.

Holy shit, I was just in the bathroom at the same time as Paul. That restroom surgeon looks like he's trying to turn hand washing into a new career.

by SkottyB August 24, 2013

Morbid Surgeon

a really cool Death Metal band from Vancouver Canada.


by METALDUDE123456 December 12, 2008

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brain surgeon

Sarcastically applied to someone who makes a dumb mistake.

"You threw away the winning ticket?! Way to go brain surgeon!"

by tho3m December 31, 2010

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