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A penis, derived from the map on the tails side of the 2006 euro, which has Norway removed, leaving Sweden to look like a penis and Finland the testicles.

Ooh, I just trapped my Sweden under my Finlands.

by prescottspies September 1, 2006

1150πŸ‘ 834πŸ‘Ž


Worse than hell

person 1: "Hey how was your trip to Sweden?"
person 2: "bad"

by TheGoldenGame September 27, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The greatest country in the world but no one seem to get that. If you call yourself a patriot, wear a swedish flag on your shirt or say something good about Sweden you're called a racist and you're considered a anti-immigrant somehow. I'm none of those but I'm proud of Sweden. so stfu

btw, this thing about Sweden having the most sucides in Europe is a load of bull. We consider things as suicide that you don't in other countries. also, studies have shown that doctors in other countries (when they have to confirm the cause of death) don't write what actually happened. If it's suicide they sometimes say it's something else. Not in Sweden though. I'm not kidding.

Me: Sweden is great
Someone else: why don't you say that about all the countries? RACIST! F*CKIN' KKK!

by Cucumber Boy June 11, 2006

232πŸ‘ 215πŸ‘Ž


An awesome country in Northern Europe, with tall, beautiful blond men/women, or so the stereotype goes.

Hopefully, it is true...

I can't wait to go to Sweden to see all the sexy blond guys. :3

by Firefluff November 5, 2011

34πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


A country in Northern Europe which, apparently, has been the target of inferiority complex-generated ridicule from its neighboring countries.

Finns, Norwegians and Danes all fear Sweden (being the hub and catalyst in high-tech Northern Europe), this has generated many negative entries in the Urban Dictionary. Just look around.

by E Goldstein February 15, 2009

100πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


The most gay country in the world.

My friend: Have you heard about the country Sweden? Me: Nothing except it’s gay.

by Anonymous (Aka, Girl gang) October 14, 2020

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


the country that is continuously being joked about by danes, norwegians and finns alike!

sweden= cheap knockoff of other scandi countries

by John February 27, 2005

436πŸ‘ 539πŸ‘Ž