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Take It Off

to let loose, loose control, have a wild time , get fucked up , releave stress

loose control have fun fun exciting

Jessica: wow, lets have a wild party!

Jillian: No, lets take it off!

by JMD6669 January 2, 2010

57đź‘Ť 18đź‘Ž

take off your clothes

The phrase used to tell people, most commonly women, to disrobe completely or partially, whether for empowerment, sexual desire, comedic purposes, the content of the clothing or to avoid confrontation.

Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends (Episode:Busted): Mr Herriman is about to catch Wilt and Eduardo wearing Funny Bunny T-Shirts that world mortify and humiliate him, and get Frankie in trouble. Mac tells Eduardo that if he doesn’t help spread the word, Mr. Herriman will explode. Eduardo runs down the hallway, screaming “Take Off Your Clothes” repeatedly! This unfazes Coco and confuses will, but inspires Madame Foster to empower herself as she is walking down the stairs to attend a Baseball Game with her cane wearing a Funny Bunny T-Shirt, Shorts and Baseball Cap over an undershirt. She hears Eduardo and screams “Yeah! Woohoohoohoohoohoohoo!” before swiftly dropping her cane and removing everything but her undershirt. She runs upstairs waving her shirt and then whips it.

by mnh8giugiugpu November 13, 2017

9đź‘Ť 14đź‘Ž

take off your pants and jacket

A blink-182 album that includes songs like the rock show, first date, and many other great songs. The real meaning of it was take off your pants and jack-it(as in jacking-off)

guy1- Dude have you heard take off your pants and jacket
guy2- Yah, I love to take off my pants and jack-it, to your mom

by JOE23456789 November 22, 2005

241đź‘Ť 57đź‘Ž

Take It Off

A song written by Ke$a to brainwash the children of today to have sex.

Kid: OMG i leik totaly leik that sung Take It Off bai k3$@!!!!111 Nao im liek gonna go tutch my vagina and think of J. B.!1!1111!! <3

Person: Are you shiting me?

by Nameswithxdontmakethemcooler November 19, 2010

20đź‘Ť 47đź‘Ž

take off my phone case

Online slang for SH, based off the fact that some people put their razors in their phone case

After a long day, I had to take off my phone case

by Online sandwich artist September 30, 2023

Take it off-line

This term seems to come up when an agenda item gets derailed by conversation that’s off topic. Usually a senior person will say to the off-topic speaker, “Let’s take this offline. We need to move on to the next item on the agenda.” Take it offline is a polite dismissal. May be used to let the room know that leadership is not willing to talk about the subject at hand.

“This has been a great discussion, but let’s take it off-line and move on.”

by FrankyJones December 11, 2016

21đź‘Ť 8đź‘Ž

take em off

A sexy way to tell a person to take off their clothes.

Come on baby, take em off.

by traxxdaone February 9, 2021