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Talking shit

Usually done on the internet or from a faraway distance (kept beyond an open arms length away), but sometimes done within earshot.

Talking shit to Mike on the internet is hilarious.

by Solid Mantis May 15, 2017

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talking shit

When a person goes behind another back to talk personally about them or spread rumors usually in a bad light

"Susan is such a whore she had sex with seventeen men in this week alone."
"Amy you need to stop talking shit!"

by Whatupyo April 3, 2016

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always talking shit

Doesn't take einstein to figure this out but Smokey says it in Friday.

When his mum pisses him off, he says it under his breath a couple of times.

Parents: Fucking bastard pillock, do something with your life, find a job or something!!!

Dude: always talking shit

but you say it like Smokey,,,,,ALWAYS TALKIN SHIIIIIIT!

by hhhhheman May 9, 2007

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shit talks shit

A phrase to address someone who likes to talk a lot of shit. It means that the person talking shit, is actually shit.

John: "Dude, you are such a douche and suck at everything."
Bill: "Shit talks shit"

by AGomes January 10, 2012

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shit talking shit

poop trash-talking other poop

"You are one stinky shit."
"You stink way more than I do."

"Your mama doesn't even stink this bad." "Your mama does."

(shit talking shit)

by Emerson Crossjostle March 13, 2013

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Talking Shit Dogs

A common Phrase originating from the phrase ' Yipping Dogs ', most commonly practiced or used after someone says something, which seems highly unbelievable, one would replay ' What is that i hear ....it's a .... it's a ....O, its a talking shit dog! ' , implying your disbelief in the previous statement.

Dude i just got a 30 man kill streak, only with grenades! ... wait ... wait ...whats that i hear ? ... O YES !.... its the talking shit dogs !

by Khornewarrior April 19, 2010

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S Talk (Shit Talk)

A S talk or shit talk is a talk you get when you misbehave or do something you are not supposed to. It is similar to a trash talk but even worse.

Don't sit on that chair or you will get a S Talk (Shit Talk)

by STalkLC August 17, 2021

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