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When someone has the drama and you like to keep up with the drama! So then you say "what's the tea?" Or "spill the tea!" Any of those phrases would fit in this situation . Tea can be many things ( its Based on what the drama is)

Lupe:"so whats the tea sis?"
Ella:"well james charles is going on tour!"

by The-sister-of-words April 25, 2019


Tea when someone is talking about something that happened or about someone, or even when someone exposes you, some might call it Tea or gossip but we all know it’s Tea ☕️

Ex 1: Girl spell the Tea.

Ex 2: “and that’s the Tea!

by tea.all.over January 29, 2019


A hot leaf-based beverage that is by a long shot Great Britain's favourite drink (barring beer, of course). Can be drunk with milk, sugar, cream and biscuits (though not necessarily all at the same time).

"Fancy a cuppa tea, love?"

by Coaldrone January 24, 2004

56👍 45👎


Dried leaves in hot water.

Tea. Not the most mouth-watering combination, but works quite well.

by Squeed September 3, 2005

17👍 16👎


If you don't drink tea you're abit werid to be honest with you. Don't know think it is in america and don't care.
Its a British drink drunk by loads of british people. Got so many names as slag for it you wouldnt belive, brew,cuppa....
Also can mean dinner. But you know the difference, do you want a cuppa mate? (cups of tea). Mum says "do you want some tea bob".... do you want some dinner with us.

Cup of tea mate?
yes please
How do you have it?
Milk and one sugar mate?

by davey-d July 25, 2006

27👍 31👎


Slang term for Marijuana

Sometimes PCP

Let's have a tea party man

by Anonymous March 21, 2003

35👍 47👎


what a true wodongian calls dinner

hey mom, whats for tea?

by truewodongian June 18, 2009

5👍 4👎