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noun: a person who has a bad temper.

" hey there, hockey-temper, why you punching the wall?"

" Fuck you!!"

by joe don baker December 21, 2002

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to be very frustrated while trying to sleep due to the lack of having a tempur-pedic mattress.

detective: what happened here?

witness: He had a temper-pedic anger that drove him to shank his mattress last night.

by fsanjak August 23, 2010

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Temperance blanket

A pair of socks that have been cummed in by your best friend for over a month

My best friend nick makes a tasty temperance blanket

by Boner guy March 22, 2019

Temperance Spoon

Long handled spoon, usually metal, kept on the person and wielded by an unavailable or prudish woman to deter men from intercourse. In all cases the spoon is brought down hard on the top of the chap's truncheon - very effective at turning wood to putty.

Also commonly found on matrons/teachers touring the boy's dormitories after 'lights out' at boarding schools, to stop any cases of self-love that maybe occuring.

Margaret: "Goodness gracious Reginald put that away before it feels the sting of my temperance spoon."

by Brucey Big Bonus August 30, 2012

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Habitually mean.

"In one hand Aunt Marge held an enormous suitcase, and tucked under the other was an old and evil-tempered bulldog."

by MalumLibrum958 August 17, 2020

Hockey Temper

Kerry Getz (Professional Skater) - Kerry has medaled in every X Games since 2000. He took home the first Street skateboarding medal (2001's first "true" Street event), took silver in Street Best Trick and finished it with a silver in Park. A Philly, PA, local

Kerry "Hockey Temper" Getz

by Urban Dictionary November 17, 2004

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Woman Temper

Woman Temper is used to describe someone very Hot-Headed or someone with a short temper.
"Why is it called Woman Temper?" Because of how a woman gets when she's on her period. Another woman that can be used as an example of Woman Temper is modern-day women (gen z/millennials) that get mad at anything.

John: "I was playing Call of Duty last night and this guy that was trash kept trying to kill me; So I obviously killed him every time he came at me. Eventually, he yelled at me and told me to kill myself."
Josh: "Sounds like he had a bad case of Woman Temper."

by eabel December 9, 2021