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Yahoo Answers

A question and answer website home to some of the biggest retards ever, besides maybe YouTube comments. You can get reported there for breathing. Half of the questions and responses are unintelligible from grammatical errors. Filled with racists, ignorant morons, religious extremists, and people who were apparently taught English by newborn orangutans.

A message board gone to hell.

Typical Yahoo Answers Question

i is 15, shud i havs babie?

Answer 1: no you is two young for baby. you need to grow up
Answer 2: i am 17 and has baby. people tell me it was bad idea but i dont regret it
Answer 3: all teens is so stupuid. i is smart and i is 19. you are stupid i hopes you die. dumb b*tch

by Guinevere56746 February 10, 2013

132๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Answer Pimp

A smart guy at school who gives the answers to all the hot girls. Which will result in all the hot girls in the class crowding around his desk.

Jock: Hey where's my girlfriend, were supposed to work together.
Friend: She's with all the other hot girls, crowded around that answer pimp.

by Your mom in a thong bikini September 27, 2007

answer the call

Helping out a bro in need. Putting the bros of bros before thee hoes.

Answer the call is helping a bro out that is in need without hesitation.
Doug needed help to beat Nicole in monopoly so Brandon answered the call and gave him money.

by Doug Brandon and Damen November 29, 2014

24๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yahoo! Answers

"Yahoo! Answers" is Yahoo! Inc.'s solution to the average person's unformatted search engine questions. It allows Yahoo! E-Mail holders to ask any number of pointed questions, such as, "What is wrong with my vagina?" or "How can we stop Jaden Smith?" as well as, "Who is the President of France?" and, "No seriously, wtf is wrong with my vagina?"

Users can then receive answers from Yahoo! E-Mail "point seekers" - a special brand of people who try to answer as many questions as possible, then voting their own questions as the "Best Answer" in order to gain a delusive sense of Yahoo! internetz seniority. Because of an unparalleled level of quality control in the review of questions, users can generally expect their questions to be answered incorrectly or - with luck - answered unintelligibly.

"Yahoo! Answers" Question: What steps can I take to fix my own cell phone?

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters: Why bother? Throw that sh*t out and get a new one! Problem solved, bitch. Next question!
100% 1 Vote

by MagicalWhiffle July 2, 2011

90๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

rhetorical answer

An answer to a rhetorical question, what is asked to make a point, which is answered to make a point.

"Oh, please. Everyone's always on about the children. I've already tried leaving them alive, but all they do is grow up under my rule or dedicate their pathetic lives to revenge, usually both. Really, killing them is a kindness. I can retract that kindness if you wish. But then who's the villain?"
"Y- you."
"N- no, that was a rhetorical question."
"And I gave you a rhetorical answer."

by i can feel you slipping September 5, 2015

92๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yahoo Answers

1) The absolute best fucking place to troll; at home, at work, and especially during classes that allow unmonitored internet access.

2) Home of some of the most idiotic, ignorant people on the face of the earth. Almost everyone on the site will believe just about anything you post.

3) The hardest place NOT to be suspended from.

4) A great place to get some of the worst information on the web. Most of the people have nothing else better to do and just answer for points.

5) Home of the most bitchy pregnant women that you will ever come in contact with.

Troll #1: I'm getting my sixth abortion in ten years -- will you say a prayer for me?

Troll #2: Help! My 11 year old son just got his period?!?

Brainwashed religious nut #1: I had a dream that I killed Mariah Carrey. Will God send me to hell?

Guy: What do you like to do for fun?

Girl: I spend all my time on yahoo answers. It's even more fun than myspace.

Guy: Don't you have anything better to do?

Girl: Actually, I don't.

by yahootroll888 October 15, 2008

897๐Ÿ‘ 143๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yahoo Answers

Formally a very good website but it has gone totally to shit.

Whoever owns the website has obviously gave up maintaining it.

False reporting runs VERY FREQUENT, especially in the Others-Cultures&Groups and Polls&Survey area. When you appeal a report then you NEVER get a response back on whether it was appealed or not (you used to get a response within a couple days).

Plus, there are constantly glitches on the site (a new unique crazy glitch every time), those are eventually fixed after the site not working properly for days after each new glitch pops up.

It's just trash now and a lot of people are leaving it

Yahoo Answers needs to get their fucking act together because people are leaving, including me. If their too fucking lazy to give a shit then at least sell the site to somebody who will give it attention. Damn shame.

by Feddafunkup December 31, 2013

30๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž