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when a person acts like they know what they're doing but in fact don't. they use words like gnarly and bro. a person who is scared out in he lineup and doesn't paddle for any waves. a person who wears a saggy wet suit and cant make it past the white wash.

Jose: "yo wheres chris?"
kyle: "probably stuck in the white wash or back at shore"
Jose "what a fucking kook!"

by jose123456 February 24, 2012

16๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Impolite Hawaiian word meaning unskilled beginner (including, but not limited to surfing).

Did you see that guy face-plant into that wave?

Ya, what a kook.

I've tried surfing for 6 months now but all I can do is ride the white wash.

You're a kook.

I can't paddle my board out of the way of other surfers.

You're a kook.

I go surfing at places that are beyond my ability and get in the way of other more experienced surfers.

You're a kook.

by dubadeba September 20, 2012

10๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


somebody who cant surf or do an activity or sport worth a darn. somebodywho doent know what they are doing or thinks they are good at something, but in reality they suck at it!

that guy is such a kook

by kbolgeez February 2, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Somebody who poses as a surfer and talks about surfing all the time to people who don't surf because they know that non surfers won't realize how kooky the person really is.

(In the middle of a crowded room)
"Drake, I'm gonna snake you so hard every wave you kook!"
"Shut up Jordan you know Im gonna bust an alleyooper all over your face!"

by Bluntrauma December 22, 2009

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Anyone with an I.Q. above 100 who refuses to mentally lobotomize themself and accept the status quo and the rules set down by an imaginary authority.

"Oh, there goes Dan, saying we shouldn't cut out our citizens' livers and throw them in the fire. He's a kook." -What ancient Mayans may have considered to be a kook.

by Ralph February 14, 2005

35๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who is frothing way to much. they are way keen for something and then make a fool of them self

"you are such a kook udy" "that guy kooked that wave so hard

by 2103BMAN October 15, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone , usually a tourist our out of towner. Non local person who shows up on the beach with high top shoes on. This person usually try's to blend into local surf culture, by buying apparel from the merchants on "main street", and then flaunting it the same day with his basketball shoes on.

"Hey man look at that Kook trying to find his change in the sand." "Check that Kook out with the fanny pack. Does he know its not the early 90's anymore?"

by shah brah August 24, 2012

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