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Urban Dictionary low-life

One who posts the names of people they don't like on Urban Dictionary and uses it to deride and/or harass them because they are too afraid to confront them in actuality.

I'm posting this kid's name on Urban Dictionary and saying he's a faggot because I'm an Urban Dictionary low-life.

by . March 29, 2003

112👍 23👎

broke ass low life.

-has no job.
-lives with their parents.
-mooches off their friends.
-isnt going to do anything with their life.

He lives with his parents with no job and no future, he's a broke ass low life.

by amezcua September 29, 2010

10👍 6👎

Tow-Life Low-Life

A dope who thinks that driving a tow truck for minimum wage is an amazing career when in reality, they are just to stupid to work a real job.

Son, did you see that toothless homeless guy hanging around the convenience store, that’s the new midnight shift Tow-Life Low-Life.

by Pirate Lyfe October 6, 2021

1👍 1👎

low life scumbags that know very little in English communication and would rather watch the world laugh at the stupidity in their hands.

A 300lb dumbfuck who stays in their moms basement playing the Xbox 360 their mom gave them 8 years ago.
They often have no education, are illiterate and usually think arson = funny, it’s common for these type of discord moderators to watch underage Tik-Tok e-girls dancing.

See: pedophile

I would rant on the “see the world die in their hands” part but that would take too long. So…

See: gacha kid, roblox kid, dumbfuck

Person 3: Man I just heard Person 89 knows very little english

Person 10: You mean him and those low life scumbags that know very little in English communication and would rather watch the world laugh at the stupidity in their hands..? Yeah fuck them.

Person 3: Jesus don’t explain the entire FNAF lore just from that holy-

by Massive rotating balls god August 20, 2022


A punk rocker or tagger primarily in the San Diego area who may or may not be experiencing homelessness who gets into a lot of fights because of their poor behaviours. Also known to be notorious for gang like type of violence and hand signaling. Strangely helpful to outsiders needing directions,may offer to share their beer or take your stuff. It's a roll of dice with a low-life.

You are a low-life

by Sammydiscogz September 12, 2022

Low Life

a person who is very good at a game that it is scary

or spent too much time playing a certain game

Dave is such a Low Life at Call of Duty

by Captain of the Friendzoned January 6, 2021