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1. A person that thinks they can help the society that they view themselves superior to, and often have forgotten they were once a part of it. Technically a Buster

Most People that run for President or are President, are politicians.

by Birdman3132 March 15, 2007

47πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Am I alone in thinking that every single politician must be hanging out with and smoking crack with Marion Barry?

I think all politicians are on crack.

by pfft~ February 19, 2006

55πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Someone who has never spent 1 minute in the real world and only knows what's best for him and his friends, but never for regular working-class people. Can turn a once honest person with character and integrity into one who has perfected dishonesty and corruption. They fake compassion and persuade you how much they β€œcare” for you to gain your trust, in order to get votes and keep power. Once in office, they feed off your ignorance and fear. They then believe the laws they pass do not apply to them. Their conscience eventually becomes seared by money from lobbyists and corporations. They begin to arrogantly believe your hard-earned tax dollars belong to them, so they can wastefully spend it. The more they waste and mismanage your money, the more your taxes increase. They then convince you there is no money left to run the system (due to their mismanagement) and raise your taxes again as a result of their incompetence. In the middle of the night, they pat themselves on the back for their incompetence and vote themselves a payraise (when doing nothing to earn one). Their payraises result in more taxes. A politician then becomes a blood-thirsty vampire for your money, giving them even more power. A politician then makes more laws to completely control your life by invading your privacy, invading your home, invading your bedroom, invading your computer, invading the church, invading your car and telling you what you can't do with your own body. A politician then wants total control of your life and wants you to be completely dependant on them by promising you unrealistic and expensive handouts. A politician does not believe in solving problems, because they ARE the problem and if the problem was solved, there would be no issue. Therefore they only put a bandaid on a broken system or β€œmortal wound” they have caused by either shoving the problem under the rug for later or throwing more wasted money at it. The worse the problems get, the lazier and arrogant they become. An incompetent politician is usually a β€œone-worlder” who no longer believes in American autonomy and wants the United States to be under the control of even more incompetent and politically-correct organizations like the U.N., NATO, or NAFTA. Politicians are such predators that they even throw your money away to corrupt 3rd world countries, who hate us and always will.

A politician’s lingo:

A tax increase = β€œI’ve mismanaged and wasted your money and need more to waste.”

A politician is a elite, rich, blood-thirsty, greedy, arrogant, corrupt, out-of-touch, incompetent person who wants COMPLETE control of you and every aspect of your life, while giving themselves every freedom under the sun to ignore their own laws they pass. They often have the audacity to proclaim themselves a β€œpublic servant” to the same public they screw.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com December 2, 2007

81πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A person whose intelligence could fit inside of a pin head. The higher up the political position, the dumber they get. If you are an intelligent, kind, humane, honest, peace-loving, humble... PERSON, you are always disqualified immediately from the competition.

Politicians can not think straight because they are so high up from looking down on people they are suffering a shortage of oxygen to the brain.

by _General_Zod_Will_Rule_ January 27, 2007

64πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


(n) one who has the ability to spend a large amount of time talking, without saying anything, and meaning even less.

"Did you understand a word he just said?"
"Of course not, it's a politician."

by bugsplat May 6, 2010

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


someone who wears a hat when they crap so that they know which end to wipe!

they have no sense of humor.

you will never see politicians at a comedy lounge

by speghetti_face December 11, 2007

34πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


a piece of shit who has no idea whats good for regualr working- class people just himself and his rich friends. The politician has never spent 1 minute in the real world and makes up ridiculous policies and raises taxes so high so he can go to europe in the summer.

Oh yeah they lie all the time too

dude! this pack of cigarettes is $10
thank new jersey's politicians

by money bagz May 8, 2007

72πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž