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Rich Bitch Club, rbc

Clothing Line Owned By Steven C. Nguyen, world renowned website producer and celebrity who was done work for video game companies and television shows.

The RBC is a clothing line that Steven C. Nguyen is working on

by Steely Phil September 30, 2004

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Rich White Bitch

A spoiled white girl who thinks she is above everyone.

She's a Rich White Bitch.

by BigPrincey September 28, 2017

Riches get bitches

A popular phrase that succinctly summarizes the thoughts of most sexually frustrated men, denoting that an abundance of wealth attracts women, primarily tramps and bitches.

Fuck man, my mom was right. These women really be trippin. Riches get bitches.

by kentissupercool September 9, 2019

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Bitch Rich

Refering to a male who dates older women that are less attractive than him because she has money. This person is usually a player who wears expensive clothes,jewlery,etc.,drives a fancy car, and always seems too have a wad of cash at the bar to buy drinks,thus making him appear that he has money too.
He is often caught bragging about his car (that he doesn't own),And getting cheap lip gloss on his expensive shirt
(that he didn't buy).

"Brad must have a good job, he's alway's got money!"
"Girl, Brad doesn't have money, he's Bitch Rich."

by Mindy B. October 18, 2007

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Rich dumbass bitches

The collective majority of people who attend Johnson Highschool

β€œThat football team has a bunch of rich dumbass bitches”

β€œNo shit it’s Johnson”

by BozzoBoy October 27, 2021

Rich Bitch

An individual, not necessarily male or female who is filled to the brim with attitude, for seemingly no reason. Their financial status is not applicable in this context.

Can you believe what Aria said to Hannah? She is such a rich bitch for that, and she doesn't even have any money.

by DivorcedDad90210 April 24, 2024

rich bitch

Girls (mainly equestrians) who think they can have everything.

Omg, hattie wants chips but has gaffa. She' such a rich bitch.

by Thatgitgirl November 29, 2016