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piddle shiver

A full body shiver caused by ones need to have a piddle. The need may or may not be desperate.

Alex noticed Melanie shiver inexplicably in the mid of the day, "piddle shiver" he inquired, "yes" she squealed surprised.

by finnigan fox July 12, 2010

Forearm Shiver

A technique done by linemen in the sport of football to deliver devastating blows by using their forearms on the opposing team. Players wore big forearm pads that went out over their elbows and they would practice their craft by thrusting their forearms into blocking bags. Some guys would go so far as to ram their forearms into walls.

"Yo, that dude just clocked the QB with a forearm shiver."
"The ref went ballistic after he was forearm shivered by the 300 pound lineman."

by SqueerZ July 12, 2010

112๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Orgasm Shiver

When you see or think of someone you like and you get that SHOCK shivery feeling up your rib cage. Like butterflies in your stomach, but more sexual.

Girl 1: Look, there's Damon.
Girl 2: Oooh! Just got an Orgasm Shiver!

by VioletVisions September 1, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

pee shivers

The cold-chill, tingly-esque feeling a male experiences when having a long awaited pee. Usually causes one to twitch uncontrolably. May be accompanied by poophoria if taking a number 2.

Everytime Cromie gets the pee shivers, he gets a few dribbles on his pants, which is NOT grenades

by EyeAmGod March 22, 2005

215๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit shivers

That tingly,goose-bumpy feeling you get when a particularly robust turd rounds "cape corn" in your colon and scrapes against your spine.

I was pinchin' a loaf this morning and a massive loggerhead turd gave me a case of the shit shivers

by wolfbait51 April 13, 2011

117๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pee Shivers

Pee shivers, also known as the Lentricchia Shiver, are a naturally occurring shutter sometimes following urination.

I just had an uncontrollable shake after peeing. The weird thing was, I wasn't cold. It must have been pee shivers.

by Dr. Pottymouth November 26, 2009

79๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

cum shivers

A tingling sensation after climax that leaves the receiver in a trembling, euphoric, submissive state.

His dick was so good, Wanda, I had the cum shivers for fifteen minutes afterwards.

by Hugh_Mungus January 1, 2017