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Ronald Reagan

See satan. Didn't give a damn about the poor.

If you think Bush is bad, you obviously have no idea about Ronald Reagan.

by GeeGee December 20, 2005

1255๐Ÿ‘ 578๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ronald Reagan

Someone who plays the role of a nice old man but is secretly hateful and prejudiced.

Ronald Reagan was good at manipulating the American public by putting on a fake "nice old man" persona. And the gullible American majority believed it was his true personality. But in truth Ronald Reagan was a very dark man who supported many evil things.

The day of Ronald Reagan's death was one of the greatest days in history for humanity.

by not found [Error 404] February 19, 2009

735๐Ÿ‘ 463๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ronald Reagan

A man who played President of the United States for two four-year terms, 1980-1984 and 1984-1988. Mrs. Reagan was his co-star and the Cabinet was his supporting cast.

Even many Democrats concede that, unlike George W. Bush, who is small, mean, petty, and spiteful, Ronald Reagan was basically a kind and decent man. Some feel that Reagan was simply a somewhat misguided man who surrounded himself with sycophants (see Oliver North).

by Chatty Chrissy January 29, 2008

344๐Ÿ‘ 209๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ronald Reagan

1. A racist right wing conservative who just traded in his sheet and hood for a suit and tie, and his malitia for a presidential cabinet. If you look at who actually mourned him you saw nothing but a bunch of rich white people who obviously benefited from his administration. His agenda was to turn the clock backward for America on everything from civil rights to minimum wage. His condition was nothing new, he had Alzheimer's 26 years ago. At least that would give him an excuse for ruining the nation to a degree that it's still felt some 26 years later.

2. The ultimate natural disaster. Cause he put more people out on the streets and out of house and home than any tornado, earthquake, fire, hurricane, blizzard, or ice storm.

3. The Devil

Whoa! My natural gas bill rate has went up 75%, Electricity up 55%, gasoline up over 125%, with no agency in place to regulate any of it, everything is going up...OH! except wages! If you're not rich in America today you're really taking it up the Ronald Reagan.

by Scandar April 3, 2006

839๐Ÿ‘ 718๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ronald Reagan

1.) The Conservative equivalent to the Liberal's Barack Obama.

2.) A figure surrounded by so much Conservative idolatry, Conservatives support water-boarding because "It's What Reagan Would've Wanted".

3.) A term used to describe the fine, fine line between "Democrat" and "Republican".

4.) The last of the Dynasty in the "Republican Party" (beginning with T. Roosevelt); helped spawn a caricature of its former self, as the party continually tries to mimic the 'Reagan Era', but to no avail (See 'Bush Administration' or 'GOP').

5.) Ties with Obama for "Most-Ado-Over-A-Human-Being-Who-Will-Always-Be-A-Mortal, No-Matter-How-You-Spin-It" Award.

6.) 40th President of the United States of America.

Conservative: "Why can't Obama be more like Ronald Reagan?"
Liberal: "Ronald Reagan was awful; he should have been more like Obama."

by Jonathan Dranyer May 26, 2009

287๐Ÿ‘ 321๐Ÿ‘Ž

ronald reagan

33rd Govenor of California, 40th President of the United States.

Forgetful actor turned President of the United States who liked to eat Jelly Beans and participated in Star Wars, and the Cold War.

Me: Hey, Ronald Reagan want some Jelly beans? And how's that Cold War going?

Reagan: I don't recall. But I'd love some jelly beans, thanks!

by anon.y.mous June 2, 2006

291๐Ÿ‘ 342๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ronald Reagan

A Republican Satanic Conservative religious sex-act that is a form of "teabagging" in which two Republicans re-enact the sexual relationship between Ronald Reagan and the Antichrist.

Karl Rove held a knife to Rush Limbaugh's crotch and said, "Give me a Ronald Reagan with your balls, you fat bitch, or I will cut them off and eat them as cereal for breakfast".

by Dr.Guinness April 18, 2009

180๐Ÿ‘ 288๐Ÿ‘Ž