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Turtlehead syndrome

When a fat man acquires so much fat around his groin his willy retracts inward to the point that only his bell-end is poking out.

Turtlehead syndrome is one of the most dreaded symptoms of morbid obesity in men.

by johnnylongprong March 3, 2009

16👍 52👎

turtlehead touching cloth

When you need a poo so badly your poo is pocking out your ass and nearly about to drop on your pants.

i need to go to the toilet i have a, turtlehead touching cloth

by Tommy North-Wat January 10, 2018

Turtlehead poking out

When you really need to poop and are in the car, opening your front door, etc. and you feel as if the turd is beginning to force its way out. This may actually be happening or just a sign that it will if you don't get to the toilet fast enough.

"Mom, please hurry up!"
"I'm at the speed limit, Fred! What could be so important that you would risk casualties?"
"Please, I've got a turtlehead poking out, Mom!"
"Urgh, Fred..."

by Not Your Local Drug Dealer August 15, 2021

3👍 1👎


A turtlehead is a term given for when a person is heavily constipated and they are about to unload a massive dump in their rear end.

Person A: Where was you? I've been waiting for you for a good while.
Person B: Sorry mate, I was going for a massive turtlehead.

by TheUnknownRR August 3, 2023


Well shit

Dropped a massive turtlehead in the bog and it fucking reeks

by Ispeakengland August 12, 2023


When your poop begins to peek out of your butthole, like a turtle head out of its shell.

“No, I am not the one who called about the turtlehead!”

by GMM2023 September 20, 2023