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plaza velocity

This guy is different

That guy is such a Plaza Velocity

by Iqidjwjqkksjenejdnfnd May 27, 2021

Escape Velocity

Escape Velocity in science is a theory about gravity and picking up enough speed to escape the Earth's atmosphere.

In philosophy it's that moment in your life when enough things are going right that you can finally break free from your chains.

"Today, I let go of all my past pain-- I've finally reached Escape Velocity."

by London Poison April 14, 2010

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Velocity Water

The ability to shit through a screen door and leave no trace you were ever there.

Man, when we got back from Honduras, I have a wicked case of velocity water. It took me 20 mins to clean to toilet!!

by Havana Manor/ Chef May 9, 2008

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Velocity Express

A shitty company who cares nothing about it's workers.

"I hate you"
"I've just been Velocity Expressed"

by Heywood May 20, 2004

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velocity piss

when your piss goes to high

joe: dude today i had a velocity piss kim: i dont give a fuck

by krisbek17 October 23, 2020

Plausible velocity

When actors or stunt doubles move faster than physically posible during a movie or behind the scenes.

Vin diesel hit a windscreen at plausible velocity during fast and furious 6.

by Fist a cat September 17, 2016

turtimal velocity

The maximum speed a falling turtle can achieve in atmosphere.

Donatello hit turtimal velocity shortly after falling off the cliff.

by Killer4554 October 10, 2018