A life hack that escapes the matrix rather than just something small that completes homework or cooking a litte faster. tldr: an upgraded version of "life hack"
Abraham Lincoln: Bro while everyone was digging for gold, I was selling the shovels
you: damn, that isn't just a life hack, that literally vm escapes the gold-digging simulation
Abraham Lincoln: That's why you should never trust what you read online, especially quotes. The real play wasn't to dig for gold, unlike what you see in the meta.
Basically asking your bf to send you a moaning/whimpering voice message if you ever need it yk
Hey babe can you send me a m/w vm pls and tyπ
Yea sure-
An emoticon fox. The γVγ is the head, the γmγ is the body and legs and the γ~γis the tail.