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Cunny wafting

Aka 'Wafting the cunny'...A simple yet potent manoeuvre whereby the individual (usually female) cups a hand between the legs and with a steady dragging motion wafts the natural odour of her vagina (aka 'cunny') towards an unsuspecting victim/grateful recipient.

My eyes are still burning from all that cunny wafting at breakfast.

I've never known anyone to be so good at cunny wafting...even from a distance it was like eating a fillet-o-fish.

by Smelly Flaps January 19, 2009

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When your vagina is so intoxicating that the guy falls asleep before having sex.

He put his head in my lap and I started Mad-Wafting him and he started snoring loudly.

by Df1434 December 5, 2021

wafting session

a interval of time where one wafts

the car drove by and i had a wafting session

by hank jim August 8, 2010

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waft of douches

The collective term for a group of douche bags, whether the group consists of people or objects.

It's never a good day when one encounters a waft of douches.

by handleofthedandle September 20, 2016

Cajun Waft

A description of the aftermath of a spicy Cajun meal so powerful that there are farts up to the point of causing Irritable Bowel Syndrome in a person (IBS) with visible gaseous emissions.

Powerful stank emanating from someone who just ate a spicy meal (preferably a Cajun spiced meal).

AKA: The Burning Gust, A Crimson Wind, or a Red Mist.

Jeff ate some Cajun spiced fried chicken and now he's complaining of intense stomach pain and a heavier than air cloud is drifting from him... he just pushed it towards me with his hands and now *cough* Auuuughhh *gag*... he just Cajun wafted me?! Nobody gets away with a Burning Gust on me!! Nobody!

by Caricifus May 17, 2011

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Ball Wafting

To fart on someone else's balls, not invented by The sizzling sex bastard.

Matt: "I let him fart onto my ball sack".
Carl: "I didnt have you down as the ball wafting type"

by Jizz Eagle February 11, 2011

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pussy waft

When one can smell pussy from a mile away.

"Mhmmm... Pussy waft

by .ram.her.good_ram.her.hard. March 5, 2017

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