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Where your panties(briefs for guys) are hung on a knob of some sort and your feet don't touch the ground.

The cheerleaders ganged up on me in the locker rooms and gave me a hanging wedgie on the basket ball net. It was so embarrassing all the guys saw me hanging there by my black panties. Then to make matters worse they took me down and gave me an atomic wedgie. It was terrible.

by wedgiedgirl101 March 12, 2016

15๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


when someone comes up behind u(or in front) and pulls up on ur underwear. if done on the front of a male it will crush there balls providing entertainment for u and embarisment for the reciever.

i gave myself a wedgie befor in my basement. i tied my underwear from a support beam and jumped. my underwear didnt rip so i hung there my balls hurt so bad not to mention my ass and i hung there for an hour befor i tried to get out of it finally i riped throught the underwear but the shourts were also tied and i ripped through those and had to hide in my basement for an hour naked befor i could be sure of no embarasment getting to my room.

by hotty July 14, 2006

217๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


when a persons underwear is pulled just about as far as it will go.

im a bit of a nerd so im not suprised this happened to me but anyway when i started high school everybody thought it would be funny for everybody to give me all the wedgies that they could think of every day of the week and this 1 time my parents went away for 2 weeks and left me on my own and only my best friend knew this (she was my only friend aswell) and the school bully found out that there was somthing i wasnt telling him so he decided that he wanted to find out and he realised that the best way to do this was through my friend so he threatened her and she blurted it out. so now he knew that there was no parents around for 2 weeks so he decided to hang me to the flag pole and he superglued my hands to 2 bags full of water and fed me 1 sausage and loads of water every hour so i was shitting and pissing myself like 10 times a minute. anyways i stayed up there every day with people constntly taking photos and the only time that they let me down (apart from to feed me) was when they decided that they wanted to use someone as a punchbag (me) so i was up there for 2 weeks and 10 hours just hanging by my underwear (and they didnt break either) and when i did finally get down after my parents got back the first thing i recieved when i was back in school was my head down the toilet and my but is still sore from the wedgie hanging and now even the mega-nerds give me wedgies and its soooooooo depressing :(

by demz123 August 17, 2009

56๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


a wedgie is where ones underwear is pulled up from the back therefore jamming the underwear up the victims ass

often performed on nerds who wear tighty-whiteys(like me!!) by cool people who wear boxers

this story is 100% true no mattter what.

i am a 15 year old boy whos mum wont let me wear boxers she says that i will always have to wear tighty-whiteys coz they r better for giving wedgies and i keep arguing but every time i argue she just calls my older brother ill call him micheal to come and 'deal' with me, by deal with me she means torture him until u seem fit to stop and with my brother that never comes around so today my mum to ld him to deal with me and first he stripped me down to my underwear and then he said brb and he came back with bags full of food (mainly messy liquidy foods) and some duct tape and before i knew it i had my mouth taped shut and my arms and legs tied up and then he put loads of whipped cream and jelly down my pants and then he gave me an atomic wedgie and after about 2 hours he unhooked the atomic wedgie and gave me a hanging wedgie from the hook on the back of my door and then he took the duct tape off of my mouth and gave me loads of water b4 putting the duct tape back on my mouth and then he took me down and gave me a north, south, east and west wedgie as far up as my underwear would go he then got a belt and put it on 3 holes too tight around the wedgie and said that if the wedgie wasnt there in the morning that would be nice compared to what he would do next and with that he took the key to my bedroom door and locked me in and i had drunk loads of water and i wasnt allowed to go to the bathroom so i had to piss myself all night long:(

by micheal99 September 3, 2009

65๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


the proper punishment for nerds; when someone yanks your tighty whities way up while you're wearing them an atomic wedgie is where they get the elastic over your head, a hanging wedgie is where they hook your briefs onto something and leave you dangling in the air, a melvin is a front wedgie that splits the wedgie getter's balls in half, a mervin is where they pull your briefs up on both sides. these are all things you should try on your brothers. its funny

one time a wimp pissed me off so i gave him a wedgie up to his ears. after a few minutes i hooked him on a hook and left him there. he leaves me alone now

by random person11111111 October 26, 2006

77๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


when someone grabs the top of your whitey tighties and pulls up north

jason and cj just pulled up my waistbad
of my briefs and gave me a hanging wedgie in the locker room.

by derek January 22, 2005

661๐Ÿ‘ 354๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you are wearing some sort of underwear (boxers, briefs, tighty whities, thongs ect.) and pulls it very high so it rides up your butt crack. or in the front squishing a guys balls (also called penis, nuts, ect.) this is painful and most people love it. try giving yourself a wedgie at home or somthing while your alone!

my friends spent the night for the entire weekend and well of course i fell asleep first and well they put my hand in water and when i woke up i was in a hanging wedgie (where your underwear is on somthing that lifts you up off the ground completely) and scince if your hand is soaked in water while you sleep i was peeing myself the entire time in that major wedgie!

by Felix Smit November 5, 2005

585๐Ÿ‘ 350๐Ÿ‘Ž