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1) Intellectually attractive woman.
2) Physically attractive woman.
3) Emotonally attractive woman.
4) Attractivve in all 3 major ways, yet not you are condemned to be 'just friends'

Person a: Oh man, she's perfect!
Person B: Oh yeah? So are you guys dating ow what?
Person A: Nah man, she's a total Wendy....ya know?
Person B: suxx0rz 2 b u l4m3r!!!11

by M. Lienox December 18, 2003

3021๐Ÿ‘ 1470๐Ÿ‘Ž


Crappy place to work as it is the scourge is cheap people everywhere who like to order excessive amounts of Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers.

CUSTOMER: "Yes I'd like 7 Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers."
ME: "Damn the 99c Menu!"

Damn people then get mad when there 7 burgers aren't done in under 30 seconds because they obviously forget they are cheap and aren't the only people waiting for food.

by anonymous January 16, 2004

527๐Ÿ‘ 253๐Ÿ‘Ž


n. Fast food chain which cooks up a damn tasty bowl of chili.

If you're too much of a pansy for the "traditional" recipe, you can request that your chili be served without severed human appendages.

Cashier: Hello, welcome to Wendy's, what can we get for you?

Customer: I'll have a large bowl of chili, supersize that please, and uh...can you please hold the fingers and toes in that order, ma'am?

by Carl Willis March 28, 2005

356๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž


A lovely little resteraunt that serves a varity of foods to suit you everyday fast food needs, consisting of: Thee jr.bacon cheeseburger, the spicy chicken snadwhich, chicken nuggets, and a lot more. But of course you can not forget THEE 1 & ONLY FrOSTIE!!! Wendys has the best value menu ever created.

We went to Wendys yesterday to eat lunch.

by Tiara & Ashley June 14, 2006

297๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž


The absolute worst place a human being could ever work. The managers are promoted without even knowing how to be a manager, the same customers come in every fucking day (sometimes more than once), the customers order Jr. Bacons and 99 cent Crispy Chicken like it's a god damn White Castle Crave Case, it's like a high school with all the drama and stupid teenagers, and you never get a raise -- ever.

Oddly enough, for some reason it's hard to totally quit working there. People quit all the time, but seem to always come back begging for a job.

There are supposed to be eight people working per shift, but often times there will only be five.

The most irritating stations to work at are:

sandwiches - Not bad when there are two sandwich makers, but one person usually has to make sandwiches for the dining room and drive-thu all by theirself because kids call off or the schedule sucks.

front register - This sucks because you have to deal with customers and they always stare at you when they have to wait more than 20 seconds, plus no one on line is doing their job correctly.

back coordinator - It's ok until people start ordering a shit load of potatoes, chili, and salads all for the same order.

You sometimes find a couple people that are decent workers, but two people isn't enough when everyone else is sitting in the managers office talking on the phone and smoking.

Some people can walk out on the entire crew on a busy day, and still come back without any problem. If YOU are even five minutes late though, you never ever hear the end of it.

*Note - I know I am forgetting a ton of shit, but you get the picture.

Old fucking Lady: "Hey, it's 11:30. Time to head up to Wendy's like we do every other day of our fucking lives."

Weird Man: "I go to Wendy's and order the same thing every day."

Teenager 1: "Yeah, I want 4 Jr. Bacons, two no mayo, a number three, and a five piece nugget."
Teenager 2: (Sees what his friend ordered so he orders the same exact thing.)

Customer at Speaker: "Lemme have a number two."
Employee: "What size did you want your combo?"
CaS: "Huh?"
Employee: "Did you want your combo small, medium, or large?"
CaS: "Oh....ummm...normal"
Employee: "What kind of drink?"
CaS: "Do you have Dr. Pepper?"
Employee: "No, we have Mr. Pibb. It's just like Dr. Pepper."
CaS: "Oh...let me just have a Mountain Dew."
Employee: "We serve Coke products.."
CaS: "Ok then, give me an Orange."
Employee: "We don't have Orange. The closet thing we have is Hi-C Fruit Punch"
CaS: "Just give me a Coke then."
Employee: "Ok, your total is --"
CaS: "Can I get a potato instead of fries for that combo?"
Employee: (sigh) "plain or sour cream and chive?"
CaS: "I don't know.."
Employee: (freaks out and throws headset into the fryer....comes back in three months asking for a job)

by JeVo July 8, 2006

274๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most AWESOMEST people you`ll ever come across the world are the Wendy`s. They`re totally cool and packed with awesomeness.

Andrena, "Damn, I wish I was Wendy.."
Random person comes up.
Takes a look at Wendy, and says, "You know what.. me too."

by bao-x September 16, 2010

406๐Ÿ‘ 209๐Ÿ‘Ž


Wendy is someone who's caring, a girl that loves the taste of music while she daydreams, a sensitive heart, someone whos willing to listen to others. Wendy is a person who carefully observes people when shes bored or curios, she tends to question her existence and feels like she's someone who comes from another world and question herself other people doing like an example "why is that person greedy? Why is that person racist?" she questions her self and laughs at her mind, she wants someone to satisfy her soul someone who will only love her like a fairytail never been told someone who will risk anything for her but she will also want someone worth it to risk everything she has, she lacks on controling her emotions. Sometimes she wants to run away and not grow up she trys to understand everything around her.

She wants to set free far away and shes capable of achieving anything in life but she lacks of motivation, she hates people who try to bring others down, when shes alone she tends to sing as her heart is pleased. Wendy is someone who neither good and neither bad.

Wendy is someone who runs far away withing her mind.

by Suikichanx2 November 23, 2021

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž