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West Texas Frac Job

A sexual act formed in the oilfields of West Texas.
When a man pumps water into a woman's vaginal cavity and proceeds to have sex with her.

Frac hand 1: Aye wassup bro. That chick last night gave me a West Texas Frac Job.
Frac hand 2: Yo bro you didn't seriously fuck that lot lizard right?
Frac hand 1: Fucked her how Haliburton fucks us!

by WestTexasTick April 2, 2024

West Texas Single

When an oilfield worker comes to west Texas for work, and acts as though he’s single for his two weeks there, but in reality has a wife and three kids back home, often states a way.

As often found in Tinder bios ‘Please actually be single, and not west Texas single.’ or ‘Don’t let me find out you have a wife back home.’

by richardstroker January 2, 2024

West Texas blinders

When you live in a small West Texas town specifically (Marfa TX) a rural area and haven’t seen hot people in a REALLY long time so you are so blinded from not being In civilization you start to find ugly people, attractive

Did you see Emily with Mark?! She must have her West Texas blinders on he’s a 2 in the city.

by Dillybar66 February 27, 2022

West Texas Poop Claw

The fine art of pooping in your own hand too finger your woman

We got wild last night! I hit her with the ol West Texas Poop Claw!

by Jack Kingofferson March 31, 2020