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frence yeye

is you a dog wewe

by wewe_im_yo_dog69 March 18, 2019

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jucey wewe

JUCEY wewe is when a man has big ding dong and has a friend named Jonathan and that’s who he is

It ur boi JUCEY WEWE

by JUCEY WEWE March 7, 2019

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wew laddie

a phrase used by autists to exclaim they're surprise or disbelief of the situation at hand.

"That girl over there is hot as hell, WEW LADDIE!"

by wondaifthiswillmakeyourage March 18, 2017

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wewe launcher

A rocket launcher that launches wewes (Dicks)

I got a wewe launcher for christmas.

by wewe launcher March 6, 2016

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Wewe Master

a gay dude who wonna wewe in his butt

lil wayne and birdman wewe master

by Liltwister November 24, 2010

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wew lad

A shitty forced meme originating from 4chan, often featuring a poorly drawn picture of a man or a digitally altered picture of Doge, another unfunny meme.

Jose just wanted to browse 4chan like any other normal neckbearded weeaboo, but wew lad was literally almost every thread.

by pink crocs August 21, 2015

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Okok wewe

When a white Polish/Romanian immigrant is found at the border by border police with sagging female boobs. Often used by border police or by friends mocking their foreign friends in texts or conversation.

Border police: "Okok wewe. You can't pass. Wewe! You'll become even worse. Wewe, when you're older..."
Immigrant: "But I have my passport..."
Border police: "OKOK WEWE!!!"

by Iamawesome12C January 7, 2014

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