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adj. antonym of sick or tite, something that is dull or a term used to describe a girl that is neither hot nor ugly.

Wow, Mrs. Buerhle's lecture was pretty wholesome.

Your new girlfriend is pretty wholesome.

by Nig March 17, 2004

39πŸ‘ 169πŸ‘Ž


A person who goes to raves, drinks Henney, and smokes all while studying hard for their better future.

My friend Gianna is super wholesome!

by Wuffy99 January 28, 2019

4πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Just about the worst thing in existence sense it defines anything that is sugarcoated sweet.

Person 1: Why the fuck are you showing me things that don't offend people?
Person 2: What? There is nothing wrong with being wholesome once in a while.

by prussland May 23, 2019

4πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


family friendly happy

wholesome is something urban dictionary lacks >:(

by user that exists January 25, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The man on tik tok who has quit fizzy drinks, therefore striving towards a happier and healthier life. This man is the very definition of wholesome and deserves the world.

Rick: have you seen @rohitroygre on tik tok?
Jas: He is the very definition of wholesome

by Beggars July 7, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Mister Rogers

You’ve never done anything wrong, you’re so wholesome.

by TayRaeSch July 6, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A person, often Asian girl, who goes to raves, drinkers Henney, and smokes all while studying hard for their better future.

My friend Gianna is very wholesome!

by Wuffy99 January 28, 2019

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž