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wompy frumpus

a cute way to say "fucked up" or in disorder

I woke up this am and my hair was wompy frumpus

by Lipstick Renegade February 15, 2022

wompy eye

A little askew or off from the norm creating a slight freakish appearance.

Ames, from The Batcherlorette Season 2011, has some wompy eyes, but really went wompy eyed when he got punched in the face in his pink get up in China.

by fickle pickle June 28, 2011

Glumpal Wompis

Someone who you love the most. A dear friend, lover, family member, friendly colleague, or a favorite fictional character.

dear friend, you are my glumpal wompis. I glump you ever so much. Oh, sweet glump, oh, sweet glump.

by Mrbigboycj December 30, 2022

Willy Wompy

Dreary; A crappy day. Kinda go with the flow kindddaa day.

Girl: Wait she has to track today??
Girl 2: yeahh, its been a willy wompy day for her.

by Mainatracktion.Soundfamilar? February 29, 2012