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Noun: A granola redneck, someone who captures the soul and spirit of both a hippie and a hillbilly. Usually an outdoorsman.

Adjective: capturing the spirit of a yeye

"That dude's wearing no shoes, a tie die shirt, camouflage booty shorts, and he has a man bun. Who the hell dresses like that?"
"Oh that's just Kevin, he's a yeye."

"Dylan's car has a peace sign bumper sticker next to a pro military one, isn't that counterintuitive?"
"That's not counterintuitive, that's just yeye."

by Unconventionally Orthodox April 2, 2021


1. A greeting predominantly used by southerners, Texans, hillbillies, and anyone who generally believes the south shall rise again. It can mean hello, hell yeah, or even I love you.

2. A way to express gratitude or the feeling you get when little billy shoots his first buck.

Paw: billy keep your eyes on him, breath in slow and squeeze the trigger when you breath out.
Billy: (slowly breaths and concentrates while squeezing trigger)
β€œLoud Bang”
Billy: I got him paw
Paw: YEYE that’s my boy
Billy: YEYE

by YEYEFerguson69420 April 25, 2019

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


a saying of unknown origin spoken only by retarded wiggers who havnt the mental compasity to form the word "yes"

guy: the club was fun
girl: yeye
guy: you're fucking retarded

by your mom April 16, 2005

142πŸ‘ 149πŸ‘Ž


A yeye or yeha is country person or can be referring to something a country person would do

Look at that yeye boy behind me with the 6000 lumos bar lights on his doge

by Drizztwillkill March 18, 2019

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A new cult, yeye is the wey

Yo you should join yeye

by Yeye2 May 15, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Is a way of life one can live

a once perfect Minecraft world that represented a way of life

if not YEYE wrong.

by cefii March 25, 2021


Another way of saying ( yeah ) in a really happy way or saying yes to something it could aso mean whats up.

Tom: whats up brother wanna go to the store?
Nate: yeye brother lets go!

by MrSlappaH December 28, 2018

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