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a large butch lesbian, usually with a short crew cut or mullet.

"Rosey O'Donnell objects to being called Poon-zilla."

by irbsalty May 8, 2009


a guy with a big-ass dick; also known as King Dong

Dong-zilla in tha heezy fo sheezy!

by Bobby Boy June 12, 2003

29πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


When a maid-of-honor treats the bride's wedding as her own. Goes behind the bride's back to get what she wants and tries control everything, most likely due to jealousy.

Melissa is being a total moh-zilla.

by shampoogirl April 18, 2009

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A godzilla-like creature in the webcomic MegaTokyo that can be rented by the hour, to create mass devastation. Basically the best thing ever. Part of the tongue-in-cheek commentary Megatokyo makes on the world of Japanese movies, anime, and manga - in the comic you have to get a permit before you can, for instance, have a battle between two giant robots and a horde of zombies that levels all of Harajuku. Which will be rebuilt in a few hours.

Largo loves his rent-a-zillas.

Bystander: Aiiieeeee! What is that horrible monstrosity? Aieeee!

Piro: Oh...Largo, stop with the Rent-A-Zilla. We don't have the money.

by ZenGwen August 5, 2006

23πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

pull a zilla

The act of going to a female's home and begging her to take you back.

Man, Thomas had to pull a zilla last night, after Rebecca dumped his ass.

by mandarkzilla March 1, 2008


A man with an incredibly large penis

by Nate June 11, 2003

16πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Zilla

taking a dab so big you vomit all over a dead hooker

Careful with that wax, she’s already dead, you don’t want a dirty zilla on your hands.

by Dub Zilla April 4, 2022