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a new guy i prison that gets raped (especially butt-raped) in prison.
now when i was in highschool the guys kept saying how other guys were fishes and when i asked one of them what it means, he said. "a new guy that gets raped in prison" then i asked him if he was serious and he said "yeah, butt-raped"

some dude: "yo, did you hear (someone's name) became a fish, i guess that'll teach him not to break the law and get caught"
gay dude: "lucky bastard..."

by Ben Carlson May 29, 2006

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something talia can spend hours watching and not get bored, cutest thing on earth!

fish + talia = happy =D

by Talia, Squeak, Rebecca, Kanika, katie, & april May 29, 2004

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A really cool nice guy named Will thats always there when i need him and is like a big brother to me

Will looks like a fish.

by Pure Beauty August 8, 2003

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Those things under water kids try to immatate then drown because some Insane girl held them under for trying to be a fish

Kid: Look at the fishy. *Jumps in and trys to swim like one.*

Lady: You idiot! *Holds him under as punishment*

by Lucid_Nightmare777 February 19, 2009

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When a random person sits with your group while your eating anywhere, usually taking up the LAST seat. Fish will not say a word, no matter what. Fish sits there and looks stupid while everyone bitches at him to move, but wont because he knows he took the last seat ANYWHERE, excluding one of your friends.

Timmy got held up in class and went to lunch late, only to find a fish in his seat.

Timmy- wtf...

Fish- *blinks*

Timmy- gtfo my seat...

Fish- *blinks*

everyone- Fish, out!!

Fish- *blinks*

by ogrodnick March 5, 2009

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a person having the attributes similar to Laker Derek Fisher (the Original Fish), a person who acts in ways that make others salty such as acting to draw fouls in basketball

usually used as an insult while playing video games like nba 2k

david is such a fish for that

i cant believe david could be such a fish

by harrynuts09 February 15, 2010

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term used by a woman describing every man out there. such as banner fish, sweet fish, trout, jelly fish, lion fish, clown fish, sardine, crab, sting rays, eels, puffer fish and any combinations of such.

mary: jason is such a shark!

Lily: oh please, hes a banner fish, but hes a shark compared to sheldon. now thats a trout.

by factssss August 9, 2009

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