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Pasta Eater

A slur used to discriminate against those poser ass fake ass not real ass Italians. God I wish Italians were real.

That Pasta Eater ass bitch touched my fucking pasta.

by timlover99 January 31, 2024

Pasta Eater

It is the art to eat pasta in the most elegant way possible

Mamma mia me a Pasta Eater.

by pasta eater_ February 28, 2024

Pasta Man

What Riggy calls Clone Riggy/Preston after waking up from a coma in Shorts Wars.

Pasta Man gave me a box!

by Mr. Twinkieface December 14, 2023

Pasta fart

A pasta fart is when you eat pasta and the next day your farts smell like pasta sauce.

Oh man i ate too much pasta last night and now i got pasta farts.

by Mr business January 30, 2025

pasta tossing

The act of an Italian man nutting into a girls mouth, then she then spits it back into his mouth.

Tony: oh shit im bout to nut angelia open your mouth!
Angelia: not unless your pasta tossing with me?!

by Parmesan snowball September 3, 2017

Pasta Dinner

When a guy with a Jacob’s ladder piercing puts wet spaghetti noodles in place of the barbells, fucks a girl on her period, then gets a blowjob.

Dude I dropped acid with my girlfriend last night and then she gave me a pasta dinner, absolutely life changing!

by Dingleberry inc. February 16, 2022

Hallucinating Pasta

The kind of person who likes to touch women without their consent and on top on that, indulges in asking them for “nudes” and harassing them in their day to day life.

This type of person has no respect for women or their reputation and tends to get away with their behaviour by throwing money at their problems and bribing people to their place of residences.

“did you see him! he’s acting like a hallucinating pasta!”

by munch6969 January 29, 2024