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Joseph Joestar

the hottest jojo, yes the HOTTEST jojo.

jotaro is overrated

joseph joestar is hot

by Caesarr Zeppelii December 24, 2020

44πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tyler Joseph

a coward who doesn't care about our birthdays

unless you were born on December 1st, his birthday.

Us: It's our/my birthday!
Tyler Joseph: I don't care

Tyler Joseph: dump your oldselfies cowards
Us: okay coward

by tyler_is_a_coward February 25, 2019

282πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Joseph Joestar

Obviously the best Jojo, Giorno got nothin' gainst Joseph if you think otherwise i respect ur opinion but ur still wrong

Joseph Joestar is the best Jojo

by JojoFan123 October 31, 2020

50πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Joseph Birdsong

See Also: "Forever Alone"

A known Youtuber and electropop singer/songwriter, better known for his addiction to Boones Farm wine & for being (as far as most people are concerned) the only person on the planet who is from Arkansas.

Person 1: Have you listened to Joseph Birdsong's new CD?
Person 2: Yeah. Did you know that if you play it backwards, the only words in every song are Boones Farm and Doritos?

by kellyy0 October 27, 2010

84πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Tyler Joseph

A very tiny dude who has a great voice and who plays ukulele scremo with his lover Joshua dun.

Tyler Joseph is the worlds best bean.

by @withahintofcocoa February 17, 2016

526πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

Tyler Joseph

Tyler Joseph is the lead singer of the band Twenty Øne PilΓΈts. He does not care about anyone’s birthday, and is a coward. His fellow band member, Josh Dun, is in fact a good boy. Suck it, long lunged boy.

β€œJENNA! I’M HUNGRY!” Said the coward, Tyler Joseph.

by probably josh dun April 19, 2019

joseph quinn

The most amazing man ever

Oh yeah joseph quinn is my favourite actor!

by Lanatheeddiemunsonlover June 13, 2022

29πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž