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Aged Of Aquarius

A burnt-out hippie from the early 70s. A late-starter, acid tripping dude or chick into the planetary signals and vibes of the Zodiac and their horoscope readings.

Joey, check out that smelly bum with the mandolin sitting on the station with that purple headband. He looks like my dad's friend from the Age of Aquarius. To tell ya the truth Mike, he looks more like he's from the Aged of Aquarius!

by badwsky February 5, 2010

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

koon's age

Description of a period of time, ranging from a few days to a few years. Typically expressed as a form of exclamation when first seeing an acquaintance after a long period of absence.

"I haven't seen you in a koon's age!"
"It's been a koon's age since Dirtball cooked me that rotten, dirty hamburger."

by BigMike26 January 16, 2008

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The special time in a young woman's life when her boobs start to smoosh together.

"It's been a confusing couple of months, I've realized my daughter is approaching cleav-age."

by pigcake December 5, 2012

10πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


some bullshit term coined by people who oppose the lgbt community to make it seem like pedos are welcomed there. (clearly cishet propaganda)

β€œhave you heard of the new sexuality β€˜age-fluid?’ It basically justifies pedophaelia and it’s new to the LGB-”
β€œoh? the one that doesn’t exist because sexual attraction does not correlate at all with age and age fluid would technically neither be a sexuality or gender identity. but, okay, continue believing everything on Facebook, Janet.”

by kimmyheddd August 22, 2020

80πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

Dark Ages

What the world is about to enter into, a second time. Hopefully I am wrong.

Trump won't be enough. Thanks to Obama, the Western world is going into another Dark Ages. I can feel it

by Charmouche February 20, 2017

16πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Sex age

You need to be 16 to have sex in the united states

Boy:Soo...... You want to have sex?
Girl:What is the legal sex age here?
Boy: 16... I am 16 so we are good...
Girl: I am only 14 though.

by Kuaky May 23, 2008

86πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž

Middle Ages

Probably one of the most misunderstood times in history. While it is true that there were many things wrong with the middle ages, such as people getting sick more often or wrongful execution of innocents, they didn't happen nearly as often as mainstream culture would like to portray it. (That is to say, EVERY TIME).

Also poor people weren't starving or depressed. English peasants would eat SALMON every day, because guess what? They lived near rivers! (DUH) And the children played every day in the fields or in said rivers and would also help their parents work the fields and around the house. Also, nobody gave a fuck about social media, everything you needed to know, you learned from your neighbors.

*Medieval market bustle*

Richard: God bless you, Henry! Have you prepared the beer for the party tonight? It's finally the end of spring and we finally have enough berries and leftover chickens to celebrate the summer solstice with a good meal!
Henry: Yes I have, richard. I do believe I have a solid barrel* of good ale for our celebration. Will your wife prepare her famous cranberry tarts?
Richard: Yes she will indeed. Maybe we can bring the children this year too?
Henry: Well they are fourteen. I think they are old enough to party with us.**
Richard: Marvelous. I will see you tonight, good friend!
Henry: Likewise!

*Everyone dances, sings, eats and drinks that night, men, women and children alike and everyone is happy*

*31 gallons
**That's being PG-friendly. Kids would drink ale as young as 5 in Medieval England

The Middle Ages were actually a vibrant age. A simpler time.

by mancyclopediac January 17, 2019

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž