A group of the best aimers to walk the planet, only real Winston Aim members have good enough aim to use Winston
That guy is shitting on us, I wonder if he's in Winston Aim.
an action, thing, or person that is susceptible to being made of fun of or laughed at.
did you see what he posted? that shit is free-aim
The art of jumping off of a bench with a boner and landing in a vagina.
Wes was thinking about he was going to Abraham aim his girlfriend, but he forgot his Viagra, and the evening was ruined.
Like moving targets, but the projectile (bullet) is slower, requiring predictional and timing skills to hit the target - offsetting a bit far out to the predicted path of the target based on the speed of both.
Often used by bow and arrow or missiles.
During dodgeball matches, you must use trajectoral aiming to precisely hit a moving target with a slow projectile.
I dont know what the actual concept was so I called it Trajectoral Aiming.
the thing that corrects your message “Autocorrect”
I accidentally clicked the texting aim thing
Smasher Ace Aim is a highly reliable aim that allows you to win against almost every other aim out there.
Don't worry, I got that Smasher Ace Aim so I don't need to use a keyboard and mouse to play video games.
It's used to describe people that miss a lot in games. The game The Division 2 has an Auto lock mechanic to prevent missing, hence The Player's aim is Not that great
Did you The Division Two Aim again?
Bro stop The Divison Two Aiming and play normal!