Source Code

alpha yawn

The yawn that triggers a chain reaction of yawns around the room.

"Aw man, you're alpha yawn made everyone in the room yawn too :/"

by FuriousNick November 9, 2014

Alpha male

In nature, some animals, like wolves, have an "alpha male" in their pack. The alpha male is the one who leads the pack, makes sure it's fed, etc. The thing is though, this only happens when the pack's environment changes dramatically, like if they're put in a zoo. There is a group of (human) people who don't get this though and call themselves "alpha males", i.e "manly". They usually think they're much better than everyone else. The "hierarchy" goes like this in their head;

Alpha males (manly n' shit)
Beta males (Losers)

Now, the thing is, some "alpha males" think "wait, I'm better than everyone, why am I sharing the top of the hierarchy with so many who also think they're better than everyone?", and created "Sigma males", basically the same thing, but with no friends (They're "too good" for friends), so in their mind, the hierarchy goes

Sigma males (super manly n' shit)
Alpha males (manly n' shit)
Beta males (Losers)

It's just cringe

Lmao he thinks he's an alpha male, that's so fuckin' cringe lol

by POTUS Official December 13, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Alpha Gamer

A person whose decisions are peak performance and whose actions are the only course that should ever be taken when it comes to the realm of games. An Alpha Gamer will obviously play the game for every member of his team, over-rule their opinions at every opportunity and bring any game to a screeching alt until his original, superior plan is carried out.

"Dude, why does this guy move my pawn, hold my cards and tell me exactly what I should do and when ?"
"He's an Alpha Gamer, might as well be playing on his own."

by toastmann October 8, 2022

alpha troll

1) Someone that thinks he/she is the top troll in a chatroom/website/social media, known for taking on other trolls and trying to make them look amateurish compared to them.

2) Individual that exhibits delusions of trollism on a scale only supplanted by the force in in star wars.

Noodle: '' migule i find amazing how the trolls are fighting among each other today...''
Migule: '' lol emotardo they are competing to decide who's the alpha troll...''

by elstud December 24, 2015

Sigma Alpha

Sigma Alpha Professional Sorority was founded at The Ohio State University in 1978 and now spans the entire nation with 53 established chapters. Sigma Alpha sisters and distinguished alumni lead the way for professional development among women pursuing careers in agriculture.

Student 1: I'm looking to join an organization where I will be able develop essential skills for being a leader in today's agricultural field and develop life long friendships.

Student 2: Sigma Alpha! Hands down no. 1!

by Banque-Rouge111 December 4, 2010

27πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Alpha Male

The Alpha Male does not have a specific "Image", or fall under a certain category and is not defined by looks, money, or arrogance rather the Alpha Male is defined as being an all around good guy but possessing the confidence and social know-how to be successful in epic proportions with woman but anything the Alpha Male sets his mind out to be. Yeah that's right you wanted to be an ultra marathoner astronaut anesthesiologist astrophysicist but your not Alpha Male mind set told you you couldn't do it so your a failure before you even start. The Alpha Male does not brag about his successes with woman, money, education, etc. at least not often because when he walks into the room everyone can quite literally feel his presence of awesomeness. It is not arrogance but genuine good. The Alpha Male can be anyone he wants without compromising a drop of his true character, the Alpha Male does not believe in "leagues" like you weak beta males...the Alpha Male is understanding, nice, social, and sometimes even caring and does not care if its perceived as "beta or weak" because if anyone were to challenge him he would socially castrate them from beta to omega...

Alpha Male: Yeah that pretty girl you saw in chemistry that you and your beta male friends all said were out of your "league" ("leagues" do not exist if your an Alpha male) and think no one but Bill Gates and Brad Pitt fused together could get, I asked her out and we had epic sex and she's begging for more except you'll never know because I don't care what you think...

by CTU_FieldAgent200 July 10, 2011

195πŸ‘ 180πŸ‘Ž

Alpha Zero

The moment one plops their first big fat dump in the toilet no matter where it’s at. Whether a Don Jon, bathroom, restroom or out house. The moment of divine presence at the very beginning of life. To infinity and beyond.

Parent 1 Non-Binary: Good job! Good πŸ‘ job Kennedy!!!

Parent 2 Non-Binary: Hooray!!! His first Alpha Zero!!!

by BeAt-DoWn-InCePtIoN May 3, 2022

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž