When you type each letter into Google one by one & see what the first result is. Some people post this onto Twitter.
Google Alphabet:
A is for Amazon,
B is for BBC News,
C is for Currys,
D is for Daily Mail,
Refers to da act of getting off on various situations and circumstances, such as:
BOARgasm: research about/interaction wif wild/male pigs
BOERgasm: research about/interaction wif Dutch/Huguenot settlers in Asia
BOORgasm: partaking in "crude 'n' rude" behavior
BOREgasm: creating holes or being dull-natured
COORgasm: guzzling a Silver Bullet
COREgasm: surveying da remains of a thoroughly-eaten apple
DOORgasm: being invited inside a dwelling
FOREgasm: hitting a golf ball (can also refer to premature ejaculation while engaged in "getting in da mood" activities)
FOURgasm: involving yourself wif dual twos of something
GOREgasm: research about/interaction wif da infamous "An Inconvenient Truth" politician, or anything regarding da infamous "Old Blood 'n' Guts" 4-star general
HOARgasm: anything gray or grayish-white
LOREgasm: studying/recounting tales from yesteryear
MOORgasm: researching/trekking broad grassy meadows
MOREgasm: when receiving anything additional
NORgasm: when neither option is available or doable
OARgasm: when paddling a boat
ORgasm: when given a choice of two options
OREgasm: when you "hit pay-dirt"
Additional examples of alphabetical orgasms may occur when:
POORgasm: being unable to "keep up wif da Joneses"
POREgasm: getting goosebumps
POURgasm: seeing liquid dispensed
ROARgasm: performing a loudly-celebratory "I da MAN!" chest-pounding routine after "getting lucky" wif a female
SOARgasm: when you perfect using a hang-glider
SOREgasm: anything regarding grumpiness or painful skin/muscles
TORgasm: anything regarding a rocky outcrop or hill
TOREgasm: when gleefully ripping things apart
TOURgasm: when partaking of a guided group-stroll
WARgasm: anything combat-related (da arrogantly-bold old-school military leader mentioned above likely experienced lots of these)
WOREgasm: researching/experiencing garments of some kind
YOREgasm: taking a trip down Memory Lane
YOURgasm: paying attention to/sharing resources wif someone else
The Stinking AlphabetVerbSexual Act: An Act Just Like The Spinning Alphabet But The Hole In Question Is Anal.
"Dude! After I gave your mom The Spinning Alphabet, I gave your dad The Stinking Alphabet.
When you write the alphabet on a girl's forehead with your dick.
"Put the white alphabet on my forehead, not my mouth"
Wacky 'n' wonderful "A-to-Z" definitions pertaining to da "state wif another state's name inside it" region.
Prime examples of "alphabetical Arkansas" include:
Barkansas: A locale where da dogs are prolifically vocal.
Darkansas: A deep-south demographic where a lot of da citizens are either well-tanned or of African descent.
Harkansas: Where everyone either actively recalls past eras or listens up and pays attention.
Larkansas: A land with lots of songbirds.
Markansas: A state where either Mr. Twain lived, or they make extensive use of chalk and/or Sharpie-pens to identify items, specify locations/measurements, etc.
Narkansas: A "stool-pigeon mecca" where zealots habitually turn anyone over to da Feds who's associated with less-than-legal medicinal/recreational substances.
Parkansas: An area where young folks regularly share delightful "lovers lane" encounters.
An even way cooler way to say "Alphabet Mafia".
Gae person: "Oh yeah i'm part of the Alphabet Mafia"
even cooler Gae person: "You mean the Alphabet Yakuza, right?"
A number of the Japanese Alphabet, usually associated with water.
you can believe me, i'm some random guy on the internet.
Some random piece of shit that's probably like 6 or something:Hey, what's your favorite color?
Some random piece of shit that's probably like 7 or something:the number of the alphabet orange
Some random piece of shit that's probably like 6 or something:bro what the fuck