Ariel thinks she is the best. At EVERYTHING she does. She usually has dark brown hair, bushy eyebrows , and bright blue eyes. Ariel isnt the smartest. Though she thinks that she is. Ariel is INFEASIBLE ANNOYING!! At one point she was popular and that gets to her head. She probably isn't popular any more but because she thinks shes the best of the best she walks around like shes the queen of everything and everyone. Ariel is on the larger side of the scale but considers herself to be a skinny legand. Her 5 friends are all fake/ don't actually like that stupid bitxh. So. Ariel. If you're reading this. You really are not as good as you think you are... At all.
Ariel: I didn't make the cheerleading team!? This is a mistake. Right? ... Well I'm better than all the varsity cheerleaders anyways.
Varsity cheerleader 1: Wow Ariel is REALLY bad at cheer.
Varsity cheerleader 2: I know right? And she thinks she's good? Is she okay?
Varsity cheerleader 1: At least we done have to deal her annoying *** at practice.
Varsity cheerleader 2: Thank the actual lord for that!!
One who habitually goes on boats and then throws up the whole trip.
We would have had a better time on the boat if Steve wasn't such an Ariel!
A cute guy that is so funny and really cute sometimes he acts gay but he is really a beautiful guy with six packs and really strong he is still looking for a girl
Ariel is a really beautiful guy and sadly he has no girl yet
an awesome GUY, thats awesome and cool. He hates Stas Dragoman, see the defenition somwhere else. Hes awesome and fucking hot. He plans on conquering the WOLRD! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
a ship name for the cutest couple ever (or at least could be). If you saw these two (Daniel and Ariana/Arianna= Ariel) together you would automatically think their fucking , etc., or you might think their brother and siblings ,who knows.
boy/girl- "oh look at Daniel and Ariana/Arianna, I can't believe they're not dating"
girl/boy-"I know right, their ship name is the cutest too...."Ariel""
Ariel is a super cool gal who hates her name being mispronounced. She's usually short-ish but hates being called that. She's always supportive of everyone around her, until you get on her bad side, when she can release a devil. She loves hanging around people and organizing events for people to hang out together. She's the glue of a friendship and holds everyone together. She acts innocent, but secretly has many many thoughts that she tends to keep to herself. She's a beautiful girl who is basically a guy magnet. She usually gets compared to the little mermaid but just tends to deal with it. NEVER let go of an Ariel. She can make your whole life shine brighter and stick with you through struggles. She's pretty, smart, creative, brave, friendly, ambitious, and wants to change the world to make it a better place. Ariel is the best, no question.
Jim: Woah... it's Ariel, try and look hot.
Bob: She'd never even look at us.
Jim: Or talk to us.
Bob: ... but man, I love Ariel. She's the best.