Sick lad, super sexy, girls are all over him although sometimes he is given shit for being a wild party goer everybody still loves him, always invited to the craziest piss ups, if you see a Barney just know he’s a fuken menace
Girl 1: Oh look over there at that hot hot guy
Girl 2: He must be “Barney”
Girl 1: damn right imma get his number
A total dickhead who doesn't know anything but how to piss people off. They are often dis-owned at a young age when the parent realises what a mistake they made
You're such a Barney
guy 1: what a day
barney:i love u u love me we a big happy faimy
guy1: shut up you homosexual noob
The best and swaggiest guitar player in the world who dresses like a grandpa.
A purple pervert who tells kids he loves them.
I love Barney
Refers to a man or woman who gets overly attached, obsessed, or clingy in relationships. Can also refer to an unwanted person who attaches to people of the opposite sex in social situtations (i.e. at a bar/club).
From the word barnacle: crustaceans which attach permanently to a hard substrate.
"Dude I have to break up with this chick, she will not leave me alone for one second. She is a total barney"
"Sarah, that barney from last week just walked in. Lets get out of here or we'll be stuck talking to him all night."
stage 5 clinger clinger