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Blog Frog

A hilarious youtube show featuring Sasha- a character 'blogging' to the world, Alex- a.k.a 'tennis freakshow' who is sashas best friend, Mom- sashas hilariously cool mother , Jamelio- the hawt brother.
In blog frog, sasha tells the world about her 'rate me hot or not' website.
hIlarious show! MUST WATCH

" did you catch the latest episode of blog frog?"
" wow blog frog sure is the best thing i have EVER seen"

by blogfrog July 15, 2008

ping my blog

It's a computer geek term. It doesn't really matter what it means it just sound so useful. It sort of rolls off your tongue. Just begs to be repeated. Sounds like words you could use for anything.

ping your blog, Pinging my blog, pinging her blog, Hey ping my blog. I got my blog pinged today! Hold on a minute, I'm pinging my blog. I was in my front yard pinging my blog. Wassup dog, jus pingin muh blog

by Iftakhar August 18, 2009

blog stocker

When you religiously read someones blog whom you are no longer associated with

Stuart is always reading Dana's blog; What a blog stocker!

by hclegg92009 June 19, 2008

theme-specific blog

A Blog with a Specific Theme or interest.

When a blogger develops more than one blog, because they have eclectic interests and what may be applicable to one blog, may not be "theme-specific' to their Home Blog.

She had a theme-specific blog for fashion.

by Tankai II January 30, 2014

Text Blogging

The act of sending unsolicited texts that are not answering a question, making a request, have an obvious response, any response would seem pointless, or are otherwise considered pointless by the recipient. These are texts that serve no two-way-communication-purpose and seem to be just informing you of something that requires no further action or response.

Texter 1: I'm eating breakfast.
Texter 2: man, quit text blogging me
Texter 1: I just wanted to say I'm eating breakfast.
Texter 2: Good for you.

by catsgotmytongue May 27, 2011

Back Blog

To post a weblog entry to an earlier date.

This post is back-blogged from the future.

by TallSkinnyKiwi April 27, 2004

Blog Years

To purposely falsify ones own age, for the express purpose of enticing the opposite sex. Average age reduction is 6-8 years, and this phenomenon is most commonly found on internet dating sites.

Girl 1: Did you see CamaroLover87? I can't believe he's only 28
Girl 2: I saw that guy the other day buying a Toto cd. He's 28 in blog years

by SherktheJerk May 18, 2011