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breakfast bra

a functional peice of lingerie that you can eat breakfast out of.

Wein: We have a Breakfast Bra, go us!
Jim: Breakfast Bra?
Wein: Yeah, wanna have a spoonful of bran flakes outta my left cup?

by Weiny Joy September 12, 2008

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OH CRAP! (they are interchangeable)

"Oh Bras! I forgot to get it from home"

by Papa elf January 23, 2008

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A chick that's a wanna be bro. She hangs with the bros but doesn't know what it means to be one. She most likely drives a gay car like a Scion and wears Uggs/Birkenstocks constantly.

"Brosef, Emily wont stop asking to hang with us this weekend"
"Yeah she's a total bro-bra"

by Googs January 22, 2008

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vape bra

A slang term questioning if someone does or does not in fact vape.

You even vape bra?

by Frozencoolwhip April 7, 2017

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Bra lottery

This term describes a situation when something expected to happens happens with an unexpected level of satisfaction. The term derives from the moment when a man unclips the bra of his partner to see her breasts for the very first time.

I studied a lot before the exam, but the questions were already so easy... I am a winner in the bra lottery.

by ampermetre December 1, 2016

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Bro bra

A bra for men who have developed sagging breasts.

If I put on another twenty pounds I will go up to a DD bro bra

by Scott Swingley March 27, 2016

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Dude Bra

1. Usually a large male, who drives a lifted truck, wears trucker hats with some type of sunglasses, may surf or bodyboard, and uses a type of white boy slang when speaking to other Dude Bras (Cha bra! - Yes bro!)

2. One who prefers punk or metal in choice of music.

3. One who will consume large quantitys of alcohol at one time. (Usually cheaper types of beer are a consumed.)

4. Piercing's and tattoo's may vary.

"Cha bra? I heard the waves were gnarly."

by k23p January 19, 2004

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