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honestly, all of you asshole that said cheerleading wasn't a sport, i bet half of you couldn't do half the shit we do. dont mistake the good squads for the dumb ass varsity ones. its called youtube,watch allstar cheerleading. it takes work, so watch what you say next time about it.

athletes life weights,
cheerleaders life athetles,

cheerleading is something you pussies couldn't do.

by flyers08 August 22, 2008

16πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


Cheerleading: A SPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheerleading is a sport just like football or basketball! We pracitce we run we have team mates we work together we compete we win or lose, we get hurt, we cry, but we just look pretty doing it. If you guys say its not a sport just because of what you see at the football games please, watch a compitition for once would you. We work 10 times harder than any other sport. You guys may life weights but we lift athleats thank you. We have to be just as physical strong as you guys. You are not just born a natural to this sport, you practice your butts off tumbling, stunting, cheering, dancing, jumping! its not all funn and games. If you say its not a sport i would love to see you go out there and try. just because we wear short skirts and tight tops well srry but we dnt choose the uniforms the coaches do, so if you have problems with what we are trying to do for our school showing that we really care, dnt just blog it, SAY IT STUIPED!

Cheerleading is a stress relivers and so what we may get all the hott guys!

by Cheerleading_my_life June 17, 2009

12πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


someone who shows alot of skool spirit towards the crowd and is very preppy, not snoby, loyal, and is a sport.

cheerleading is a sport!!

by lilsascutie123 July 15, 2008

17πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


ok yeah, i hate when people say cheerleading is not a sport and its just a little kiddy one. have you ever been to a real cheerleading competitonn? seen videoos on youtube? seen pictures? try being those bases, backspotter, nd flyer. i am a flyer nd i know what i am talking about. you need balance flexibilty braveness nd trust. the competitons make you wanna pee yhur pants. what if i dont remember the 3 mintue route i have to remember?! what if i drop a stunt?! what if i fall out of a stunt nd get hurt?! cheerleading is a lot of competing nd you can get injured bad. falling out of a stunt with nobody catching you. sound scary? having a girl fall on yhur head. sounds like it hurts? doing a tumble wrong nd falling on yhur face. sounds like a few broken bones? nd more so next time you thiink cheerleading is a little kiddy sport look up "cheerleading" on youtube or google. nd if you still think so try it one time then youll get the giss. kthanksbye!

guy:ew cheerleading isnt a sport
*people go up in a stunt then 360 down*
guy: dang nevermind!

by proud cheeerleader February 5, 2009

16πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


Cheerleading is a SPORT that requires hard work and effort. A lot of effort. It’s not just runningaround and yelling. That would be sideline cheer. Competitive cheer and reccheer are very very hard. It requires lifting flexibility having a loud voice being clean and being able to smile through the hardest times. All the people who say cheer isn’t a sport are idiots.

Cheerleading is a hard sport that requires commitment.

by A rec cheerleader for 5 years June 7, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a slut

"damn she's a cheerleader?"

by itsjustajokeipromise December 4, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A cheerleader is a mother rocker that works in an alleyway making buckets of glue. since they work in alleyways all day they eat garbage and r trash pickers. They only go to cheer to show off their asses and to steal guys to turn them into glue makers. They r often called skin dogs

Hoes hooligancheerleaders suck huevos

by hooligan2004 January 30, 2016

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