when you IMMEDIATELY catch a cold/flu etc after recovering
I can't believe I got sick again. talk about Deja Flu
That uncomfortable feeling you get when watching TV and nobody is wearing a mask or social distancing.
Carlos: Ehhh...
Dougal: What?
Carlos: It creeps me out watching pre-covid people hug on tv.
Dougal: Oh yeah. Is there a word for that?
Carlos: Deja Vid
The feeling you have taken a shit like this before.
Sitting on the toilet, too many wings the night before, an eerie dread of deja poop occured.
Dirt rabbit 2(thing 2)of Dirt Rabbit (thing 1)
Deja went a boy hunt with Sarah (thing 1)
She loves boys and is a pick me girl. She loves dressing up as her favourite tv show characters. She loves to show her teeth in photos and uses her cousin to make boys like her. She falls over a lot especially in St. John’s. She changes her voice to talk to boys and doesn’t have many friends. She loves boys name josh and kane
“Look at Deja again with her 5 boyfriends”
“Look at Deja Welch walking alone